OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

The numbers for the AA in XF are 775,000; 900,000; and 1,025,000, respectively. Not sure where you’re getting 1.08 and 1.2 mil.

…Huh? Where did you get that from? o_O

Wait… where do you live?

500,000 (base) * (20%(Turnabout) + XF%)

I live in the US. Not sure if it matters.

Uh, something seems off here. PW gets a 200% damage boost in Turnabout Mode regardless of what level of X-Factor he’s in.

Hold on, I think I may know what’s going on…

EDIT: Nope. Using X-Factor in Investigation or Trial Mode then going into Turnabout Mode still gives me 1.2 million damage in his level 3. I think something is wrong with your game. >.>

EDIT2: And the reason why I asked where you live is because I thought you may have a different version of the game, like the PAL version or something.

Really? I only did math, I didn’t carry it out in training mode, so you’re probably right. It just didn’t make sense.

Oh. >_>

Are you sure it’s 200% as the Turnabout mode modifier? On the wiki, it says it’s 20%.

For X-Factor. And I guess it’s really a 100% boost, making PW do double damage.

Why are you just looking at numbers instead of testing it yourself?

Because I borrow the game from a friend on a regular basis, but I haven’t had the game for a while 'cause of schoolwork.

Is that 100% both Turnabout mode and XF? Or just XF?

You need to be in Turnabout Mode.

i’m here just to give some love. I’ve been picking PW since day 1 of UMVC, and i honestly had thought the forums for this character were dead. Keep it up, guys!

I’m a first time poster on the forums too, but here are some of my 2 cents:

My team is PW(getim missle)/Ammy (Cold Star)/ Morrigan (Dark Harmonizer). I like to put Morrigan in her Alternate, and we have what I like to call the “Scooby Doo Squad.” For fun, you can match up a color scheme so the missle and ammy are the same color. :3 I’ve seen this confuse the opponent before, but it’s nothing reliable.

Unless the match-up warrants me being aggressive, I usually start off by running away and getting bar while using j.2H (Hold it!) as keep away. I try to be careful with Ammy assist and not spam it, as a wrong Ammy call can cost her life, especially with PW not being able to cover her well.

Once 2 bars are achieved, it’s fireworks time with A1+A2. If you already had 1 or 2 pieces of evidence AND you manage to hit with the Team Super, and if you were close enough, you can squeeze in an objection, too. It’s rough tho, and there’s hardly any follow up do to hit stun decay, but you can use it for a reset I suppose.

I try to psyche out the opponent usually to come at me with some Maya attempt (usually shield, since I’m running away). Once they come at me from the other side, or try to avoid Maya, I go for the Team Super Combination (or whatever it’s called) to hit the opponent so I can atleast do damage.

Other than that, if PW dies right away (for whatever reason) I have two AWESOME anchors (Morrigan is my personal favorite anchor) that can support each other fine with out PW. “Gettim’ Missle” is really only for unblockalbes with over heads, since Ammy and Morrigan both have pretty good air control.

Anyone have any tips to deal with Novas, Dooms, Weskers, and Firebrands?

How do deal with Spiderman, Polt?

Spider-man is not too bad, especially if you have Hulk. All of his conventional approach options get stuffed by Hulk’s assist. He also has a problem dealing with Maya’s shield, since he doesn’t do a lot of damage by himself and puts himself in a vulnerable situation when attacking it. Not even Web Throw goes through it (although for some weird reason, Maximum Spider does).

Really, all you need to do is just react accordingly to his approach options in Investigation Mode. He doesn’t do well against Wright in Trial Mode, especially if you have things like the Vase and Knife.

You goin’ to Evo, I take it, Polt?

Yeah, I am. Still a few things I need to work out, though, like the hotel room and getting a new controller since wireless PS3 controller are banned.

Hey Polt for your controller try this: http://etokki.com/Xtokki360. It’s a ps2-360 converter that I use at tourneys and it works really well. Just get adjusted to a Ps2 pad though because it feels a little different. If Evo is being played on Ps3 though there are already tons of cheap and effective ps2-ps3 converters.

A simple question for Phoenix Wright players: do you think he absolutely needs an assist to do his thing on point? I’ve been thinking about running Phoenix Wright (Missile) / Dormammu (Dark Hole) / Morrigan (Dark Harmonizer) for a bit, but I wonder if he can survive on Dark Harmonizer alone.

Check it out at 5:47:00 I got extremely lucky there, lol

@Karsticles: If you want to work out with Wright on Point you’ll need what most of Wright players call “Get off me!” assists.
I’d go with “Press the Witness” instead of Missile cause it works well with Dormammu if you want to combo/relaunch again while using his Flame Carpet.
And since you’re using Dark Harmonizer with Morrigan I’d go for Purification instead of Dark Hole (unless you want to use Dark Hole to go for an air combo/for the overhead and use that knockdown time to get evidence).

Here’s a safe DHC tag with Wright/Dormammu if you’re in trouble (ofc with 2 bars and with that team order):

Safe DHC: Maya Super xx (DHC) Stalking Flare

Recommended only if you’re going to tag Wright again and use Maya’s Shield as well: “Order in the Court!” xx (DHC) Stalking Flare

If Wright has low Red Health you can tag him in again, if he’s too damaged just keep going with Dormammu until Nick feels better after all the beating he took.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

You really turned that case around.