NYPD Getting Exposed Hard In 2011: Post Your Own Experiences Too

Never had anything but the nicest cops ever here in TX. But I’ve heard stories.I’ve also owned cops in court before and gotten out of speeding tickets, which is damn near impossible most the time.

I hate hearing stories like this because I know it’s only a matter of time before I get my time with a racist/bad/crooked cop and I just know I’ma end up dead in jail with my dumb ass. I hate injustice and can’t stand to see power abused. If it ever happens to me I WILL be on the news. Can’t wait to see what my mug shot looks like. :tup:

and when that happens it happens under stupid and unreasnoable pre-tenses.

Let me put it a way my dad’s friend, who was a cop, layed it down.

There is no such thing as a good cop. They are all fucking dirty cops. On one hand you have the assholes that abuse their power and harass others because they can. And then you have those that don’t do anything. They know its happening, and they see it happening, but they don’t have the balls to say anything about it or don’t want to.

They don’t wanna end up like Frank Serpico. Dude’s only alive today because his face was too messed up from getting shot in it for the officers on the scene to tell he was a fellow officer.

well that pretty fucked up.