NYC SG Community

Not sure if I can post it here however, do people still play this game locally in NYC and if so where? I really want to get back into this game and play without any online lag to it :D…Help a brother out :smiley:

Nonexistent. This game is literally dead in NYC. Most spots are running Xbox360 and the patch is only available on PS3. You would need to session at someone’s place on PS3 for the latest version.

You can try Mashfest NYC.

They had Skullgirls the last time I was there but only 3 people were playing including myself. Likely have to bring your own console if you want a SG setup.

Was just about to ask the same thing myself. Shame to hear that there really isn’t a scene at the moment. Maybe we can get a regular group to start going to Battle Circuit or Savage Saturdays?

All you need is two people regularly and publicly playing a game to get some interest in it. So go for it!

I think you might need at least 5 people to actually get a small tournament going.

…yes, but to get those five people you need to get interest going and that’s something that two people can do.

I didnt know you from NY D:…Also, I dont mind making and sticking with a small community…Hell I started a local scene for DOA5 at TNL every friday so I am sure we can get a few ppl interested in SG :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I misunderstood your comment and thought that by “publicly” you meant on stream. Sorry about that.

Savage Saturday works for me. Don’t particularly care about having it be an official tourney either. Just getting some casuals in with people for a couple of hours would be fun. Next Level is accessible enough, I think.

I’m starting up weeklies in north new jersey soon. Able to be gotten to from the Path if NY people are interested.

I think Next Level is accessible as well but I don’t think the ps3 at Next Level has Skullgirls so people would have to bring their setups :smiley:

What stop on the Path train? And don’t they take Metrocards that aren’t weekly passes?

The last time I took the path (about 2 or 3 years ago) they were taking single rides, unless I’m completely remembering things wrong as that was a pretty …“interesting” night.

Oh the irony of once I moved away from North Jersey stuff gets started up. Ah well.

Yeah I just checked, you can use regular metro cards :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :D…Path isnt so bad since I work right next to the station on 34st…WAVE WAVE :smiley:

I only use normal metrocards soooooo… yeah

Well if you are interested in coming to a session, I am sure we can set something up…I don’t mind bring my ps3 since the 360 version isn’t the most up to date =[

When you set up weeklies, hit me up so I can go :smiley:

Im just getting into SG now but yea…community is non-existant. Would love to come to NL for weeklies or whenever. Im available to bring a console as well.

Now we just need a few more people and we can get something going.

I feel like there might be quite a number of folks around here who are playing the game, but we just don’t about each other because you never hear about Skullgirls weeklies or something happening.

Ditto to this. Depending on where in North Jersey, it might actually take me less time to get there than Next Level.