NYC Console Revival! - Bi-weekly Ranbats + Casual Fridays

bobbby you going to w2z today?

I dont know Walter, Ive got the time and the car but I dont know about that Friday evening West side traffic. Tommorow sounds great though, but then again, Ive got nothing to do tonight.
I gotta get off my ass more.

Walter are you going tonight, or is anyone else from around here going? Ive got room for 3 comfortably.
EDIT: I am going tonight (Friday). Turns out a friend needs my help with something tommorow so I wont be ably to make it but Im going to head down tonight and be there around 8pm.

EDIT: Alex, I forgot to get AIM and my company blocks it.

well if u cant im me thru aim try – aim express but WAY better… or just drop me a line at 646 842 0950

Awesome games today, definetely the most rewarding night of 3s I’ve had so far.

So was any AC run, or was Alex expecting me to run it?

Yep people played AC.

I think I’m gona start that game, last Guilty Gear I played was #R and I sucked. I also want to drop Testament and pick up Zappa, who’s gona train me?!

Results from June 1st -

1 - Ko Fiend
2 - Flare
3- Flash Metriod
4- Sergio

5 - Antishoto

7 - Comeback
Capcom Killah

9 - Merc 7

June 15th I would like to run some AC if your not up to it Sean. If people do not feel ready for tournament I can just reserve 2-3 televisions upstairs and let you guys just practice and work it up til we are ready.

Since we had such a good turnout for 3s I am going to run it again June 15th and make it a ranbat. From this point I am going to keep it ranked and we can all get better as a whole.

(Changing part of thread topic now!)

dude, do NOT drop testament in AC. he’s too god like in it.

zappa’s cool if you like em weird, but… he seems to have lost a LOT of damage in AC

I wanted to give everyone a head’s up:


Web2zone’s Gamers’ Club
Weekdays(Mon-Fri), 12pm-12am

As you can probably tell, Casual Fridays has infected the rest of the week this Summer. Except in this case, they added 6 additional hours of play time. Pretty sure you scrubs won’t have a problem with that. :3

Events and Tournaments
Slammin’ Saturday Nights(aka If you can think of a better name for a weekend event, please, LET US KNOW)
Saturday, 7/14/07, 12pm-12am
$10 for event fee, tournament fees pending

Details undecided as of yet.

Up for grabs, but most likely 6/23/07, if we can guarantee the numbers
$12 for event fee
$5 entry for Guilty Gear XX: ^ Core + $80 pot bonus

OK. Since I’d like to get in at least ONE Accent Core tournament before July as well as get a scene going for imports in general, I’m going to vie for Saturday, 6/23/07. Unfortunately, w2z will be booked with parties that day, so it will be difficult to convince them without numbers.

They’re looking for a minimum of 40 ppl at $12 a head, so… it’s still iffy at this point.

With that out of the way, I’ll be running a GGXX:^C tournament that day for $5 entry + $80 pot bonuses. Other games will be there as well, including Melty Blood: Act Candenza, Hokuto No Ken, Vampire Savior, The King of Fighters XI, and more.
I’m pretty sure this is reasonable.

wft yea run that ish!!!

Er. Bad news.

It seems like 6/23(or any Saturday in June for that matter) is a no-go unless the following criteria are met:

  • it must start no earlier than 4pm
  • minimum $12 per person for entry fee
  • 40-50 must be guaranteed to come

There’s always the option to run a tournament on a Friday, but I don’t know how keen on that everyone is.

Any ideas?

/\ I won’t be taking part in any AC tornaments yet, but why don’t you find out how people feel about starting past 4pm, I personally wouldn’t have a problem with it, and with all the TVs it would go pretty fast.

I play Oro, need I say more? :smiley:

I think I’ll play both, but I would feel much cooler playing Zappa.

I’m not 100% sure what a ranbat is, would someone mind explaining it to me in detail?

Ranbat = Ranking Battle.

For each tourney, the top 5 get points(or top 10, depending on entry). So, it’s kinda like seeing who is the best at w2z.

I kind of get it, do you get points for each round you win? Or do only the top 10 players get points at each event?

You get points for how you place.

Those points are then used to seed you accordingly at the next ranbat.

etc etc etc

Fuck seeds for tournies random seeds for life

ban that guy who kept taking off his pants :annoy: :annoy:

no…he rocks…but he cant drop his pants to his knees thats BEAST

Jeez have a sense of humor :rolleyes:

Also the guy told me not to do it anymore.

It was an inside joke by the way, I did it during matches against my room mates at Evo.

still man its … scary