NW Twitters thread

post your twitter handle here:
I’m Zass75




I like and hate the thing at the same time. But I use it.

Aye dawg, why you always gotta start gross ass threads? Fuckin’ J-Breezy always tearing shit up.

I may or may not have a twitter because I do not like the posting limits.

I was fast enough to actually get BrentoBox when it started about a year ago, but I don’t update really. I will try to post about something more interesting than random cats I see. :stuck_out_tongue:

i have one but I use pretty regularly. Fullmetalross is the username.



now super joe stfu about this damn website.

Yo, i’m on twitter also.



There are some people on here that would post epic tweets if they got into it. I’m lookin at you Mandel and Jacob!

I’d post a mixture of gross/random/clairvoyant/insightful/angry/subtle post if I had a Twitter account

fuck a twitter

don’t be a twat, tweet~!


What the hell is twitter?

I have nothing interesting to say. I think Facebook is better.


Mostly just lurk for upcoming gaming news (mostly in the fighting game community). Sometimes I link some of my art. Since I started doing stick templates, i might start linking them too.


I eat cereal sometimes

waddup twitter buddy! :lovin: