NSA Officially Harming American Economy


Wasnt this already covered in another thread? Am sure peeps already talking about this, maybe the steam one.

This is new to me, I don’t know anything about security, thanks for posting this.

People shouldn’t be using Cisco anyway.

Enterasys too under-rated. Cisco is shit.

You know things are bad when the government’s activities start fucking with capitalism and they don’t care. O_O

The government sits atop capitalist property relations, and defends them violently (literally, with violence). The NSA spying isn’t directed at ‘terrorism’ or whatever, it is directed at the inevitable opposition which will come from the working class, which is re-emerging.

Can someone be arrested for this shit?

could…but they won’t

I’m still waiting on Bush and Co to be brought up on charges of war crimes, and for lying about WMDs.


This is probably why, “Oh shit, if we can do it, they can to!”

For those who don’t know, Lenovo is one of the largest importers of PC’s/mobile devices in China.

The timing of this “announcement” and the discovery of the Lenovo security vulnerability overlaps way too closely to be a coincidence.

You’re gonna be waiting a loooooooong time Cuz that ain’t EVER gonna happen unfortunately. Even if they didn’t get prosecuted, having Cheney pay back all the money Halliburton made off that war would be a start.

Have any Americans ever heard of gladio b? This is old news. They were already harming everyone else, now they’re even harming their own pockets.

But fuck em, sideways and doggy style.

Lenovo, you fools, you just activated our trap cards:

This is looking interesting, please elaborate :o

what then? do all your switching with trendnet, hp or dell? juniper for routing?

I personally love cisco products in corporate environments, so i’m curious why you dislike them so much.

He might have an IT or workplace-based reason. Or blah blah blah Cyberdine, yacketty-schmacketty Skynet something something. Both are good.