painbow.jpg picture by Flushes - Photobucket
My girlfriend drew this. I forget who coined it, but you know who you are.
painbow.jpg picture by Flushes - Photobucket
My girlfriend drew this. I forget who coined it, but you know who you are.
Damn that’s pretty nice.
I think it was either HAV or hfz that came up with that term.
nope. not me. probably sakeido.
oh and yeah thats a pretty nice drawing.
yes! that was totally me.
sweet pic, new desktop
thatd be a sick avatar… hmm
hey, what do ya know… you are right :lol:
I see what you did thar Õ^Õ lol
Not to be picky, especially considering that credit has already been given to a point, however I would prefer if you used my sn instead of just Flushes’s GF. I’m really sorry! Just a bit anal when it comes to my art. x_x
sorry, just didn’t know your actual name. I was goin to shoot Flushes a PM asking him pretty quick here actually cuz “Flushes’s gf” just seemed tacky. Awesome drawing!
Aha no worries, I understand.
I must admit, I’m kind of flattered (and rather shocked) that someone actually likes my corel painter scribbles lol.
can i haz one with a color #7 abel? lol
haha nice drawing. :tup:
nice drawing from your gf props!