Now you can become one of us. The Jill Valentine Team Building Thread

I agree, psionic blaster assist is better than the bomb in all around versatility. Even though I loved what the bomb could do for Jill and her throws.

Easiest Midscreen BNB is Jump loop:
M,H,2H,4H,22S,Somersault,j.HS, j.[MMHS]x2,s.H,4H,Cart,22S,Somersault

Easiest/Most Optimal in Corner is going to be your modified version of Paulo’s BNB.
M,H,4H,22S,Somersault,22S,Somersault,22S, M,Arrow Kick,j.HS, call doom, j.MMHS, s.S,j.M, Missles Hit, Double Knee Drop M/H, 22S,Somersault.

The missles may hit sooner or later, just change the BNB depending on where the missles hit.

Did you say feral m an then arrow kick?

I’m having a problem creating a proper mid screen combo. I usually do like

Ground combos to flip fc cart fc feral m, fc dash.

That’s where I fall apart. I don’t know what to do after this. I also want to end with flip fc flip fc cart, ss, but using my cart early.

I’ve seen ss fc feral m works but fuck in match I can’t pull that off.

Suggestions? I’m running Jill, Dante, frank

You better learn 22S SS–>22S–> M. If you can’t do that then you’re not going to be able to do her real combos.

Yes, Feral M then Arrow kick. There’s Doom extensions that allow for 2 arrow kicks and a Feral M.

I respect your honesty. It’s something I can do in training room alone but once I add like mh bh fc ss in match my hands turn to mush. I’ll get it. I’m very new to marvel so I want to have something to work up to.

So we’re talking about something like…

Mh bh fc ss fc ss fc m fc dash flip fc cart ss xx mgs

O.o. Holy shit. That cant be a possible combo. I’m not near my Xbox but something tells me the flip to cart won’t work. Too High.

As for doom and Jill… Does missiles stop the wall bounce so you can continue doing it? I suspect you can do it with Dante, no? At least in the comer.

Idk why you’d tell seasoned Jill players that their own combos aren’t possible…

I meant possible for me due to new executional boundaries for myself.

Furthermore I’m not sure if the one I put up there is because I just said “hey is this what you mean?”

Just go slow when learning. At first this will all be hell. After a week or two of intense training, it won’t be that bad. First couple days of Jill for me I couldn’t even do a double SS properly.

Jill can loop Flip 22S Flip for about 5 reps and combo afterward with enough hitstun for a largely extended combo. With that combo, you can control the height of your opponent by letting them drop a bit after the Roundhouse wall bounce. IF that combo is too difficult for you, you can easily do M,H,4H, Flip, 22S,Flip,22S, M,Dash-> Flip,22S, Cart.

No, Jill can combo off her wallbounce as much as she needs, it’s just missles generate enough hitstun for you to go for a TK DKD H or a Tked DKD M. Here’s an optimized combo I whipped up for Kensanity.

M,H,4H,22S,Somersault,22S,Somersault,22S,M,Arrow Kick, j.HS, call doom, j.[MMHS], Missles hit, Arrow kick, Double Knee Drop H, 22S,Somersault, Raven Spike, DHC into Sphere flame for about 875K and building a bar and a Half.

This one uses 3 wall bounces in one combo, but it gets hitstun to the point that somersault–> MGS doesn’t even work (Flip out right before MGS).

Best way to learn how to 22S is by just mashing it out. Also, mastering 22S and all moves that cancel into it and out of it are vital Jill is pretty ass without it. If it’s hard for you, you have to ground out your execution.

thank you for that. i’m having a lot of trouble just doing the bnbs. it probably has a lot to do with these FC cancel thingies. its very disheartening. you did take the time to create it for me so i’m gonna keep practicing. any pointers? i find her movement very difficult to understand…

The best way to screw things up with Jill, I think, is to try to be extremely fast with inputs. Take it slow until stance canceling, feral dashing, and specials out of stance becomes a natural motion; you have more time to do these things than you might think, and executing them too fast actually often muddles everything.

Still sniffing for an anchor. What does anyone think ofCockfacewith his scatter shot assist? It (hopefully) fulfills Jill’s anti-air desire, and the shower of arrows lands directly in front of a full feral dash. To my limited experience so far, it doesn’t easily mess up combos, either.

I think Scatter Shot assist sucks. You could probably look at up arrows w/ Task.

Yeah, I remembered the problems I had with Paulow’s BnB and Double Somersaulting in general. I was doing the second somersault way too fast, had to slow it down. More often than not in this game, missed inputs are because people go too fast rather than too slow.

i dont want to ask for too much, but could someone provide me a link of paulow’s bnb, so i can kind of gauge what the timing should be?

Paulo’s corner BnB
(The cross-up MGS to maximize its damage [+~20k]. It is not necessary, but is a nice touch.)

Mid-screen version

I hate to be a sourpussy, but this is becoming more suited for the combo / strategy thread.

I went and tried it, and you’re right, it blows. Tried Task’s up arrows and they were swell.

I had chatted briefly with NSR about this in the tier discussion thread, but I have a side Jill Team with Jill (Somersault)/Chris (mine)/Sentinel (Drones), but after being given some convincing, my views of using Chris are swayed. Been pondering switching the team to Jill/Sent/Strider, but wanted to get second opinions from other Jill players probably much better than I

Sentinel is an impossible assist to cover with how enormous and slow he is, and Jill has a really tough time covering assists already. It’s still nice if it works, but you might want to try a different lockdown. Try it for a while and see if you get frustrated. She loves Vajra, though. Anti-air that sets up resets, totally covers her biggest weakness and plays towards her strength.

Gangie hit the nail on the head. Sent’s ass is huge, covering him is hard and the assist is slow.

That being said, it can work, and it can work well, but I’m not that large of a fan of it. When I get home though, I think I can create a pretty damaging BNB featuring it though :slight_smile:

Thanks for the input. I think I will try it out for a bit and see how it works, but I appreciate the feedback.

Hey fellow Jill users. I have recently just picked up Jill myself (yesterday to be exact) and have settled for a team. Jill/Frank/Dante. I just have a few questions.

  1. Is it better if I run Somersault or Arrow Kick for Jill?
  2. Are there any BnBs for Jill where she could somehow fit Jam Session in this?
  3. Should I place Dante second to have Jill abuse his Million Dollars THC?

Right now, I’m currently learning how her basic BnBs and jump loops, but if there are any team suggestions or tips you guys want to share that’d be great.