Recently, I’ve gotten so comfortable with the Wolverine matchup that I actually think it’s even.
You were right. http://i.imgur.com/rkZq7.gif
Though, I think my change to Plasma Beam has made it much easier for me.
However, your movement needs to be on point and you need to play the matchup perfectly. If not, he’s going to shit on you.
Upon getting much more experience with matchups, Spencer, Taskmaster, Zero, and Vergil tend to be the more difficult matchups among the cast at high level if the matchups are played perfectly.
Zero wins. But only if he knows what he’s doing. So far, I’ve only had trouble vs Flocker’s Zero. Mostly because he eliminates all options so well with his zoning. If Zero rushes you down, it’s probably even. If he commits to zoning, it’s in Zero’s favor. This is ONLY if he knows the matchup. If he doesn’t he’s going to get blown up by j.H when he throws a H Hadangeki.
Taskmaster is very difficult as well because he’s ability to outzone you and your inability to Speed Tackle him because of counter. If he knows the matchup well, it’s very problematic for Nova. However, Taskmaster needs a horizontal assist to cover his weakspots. Daggers, Greyhound, Disruptor come to mind. Very difficult to deal with if he’s very good.
Vergil is bad. 6/4 probably. If he plays the matchup right, he’s going to make your life a living hell. You can’t zone him because his normals eat your pulses and he can react to anything you do with helm breaker. You need to be on point with whiff punishing and bait his normals to whiff. That’s the key really. Luckily, there aren’t many people who play him on point anymore. It’s not fun. You will likely get mixed up several times before you get a chance to attack him safely.
Spencer is his worst matchup. Zip+assist acts like a pseudo dive kick and stuffs all of Nova’s options. The threat of Bionic Arm is very bad especially when he has two meters. Forcing an X-factor works in his favor especially if you have dark anchor and he doesn’t. He can bionic arm to whiff punish your block strings, centurion rush on reaction, grav pulse, and more. However, I’ve found the best avenue of attack is to bait a bionic arm with Speed Tackle and punish accordingly. No meter for bionic arm, and he’s vulnerable to Pulse zoning.
Dante is 5/5 as well. I honestly don’t think it’s THAT bad if you have a strong horizontal assist and concentrate on rushing him down. Be patient and don’t run into his zoning. It’s only bad if he has missiles.
Now, Nova can fight all of these matchups fine with proper matchup experience. That’s what makes Nova so godlike. This is just my opinion after playing these matchups so much.