[Nov 10, 2012] Saturday Series (Grand Rapids, MI)

[*]Virtua Fighter
Casuals @2pm, tournament starts @3pm.

$5 Venue fee + $5 per game entered.

We need at least 3 signups to run a bracket.


Prizes: 1st place is 70% of entry, 2nd place is 20% of entry and 3rd place is 10% of entry. If there is less than 16 entries then the prize amount is only for 1st and 2nd place winners, which is 70/30%. If there is less than 8 entries, then prize amount is winner takes all.

parking map

I’ll be there for KoFXIII, GGXXAC+, and MvC casuals.

I’ll bring GGXXAC+, VF5, and DLCs for KOFXIII. Also bringing SSF4AE, SS3:Third Strike, and MvC: Origins (mainly for MSH) for casuals.

results: G-Rap Saturday Series 11/10/12