NorCal Super SFIV Xbox Live Matchmaking GGs

916 - Cody/Guy


i have no life so i’m always on. send me that request.

Omg its back from the grave. I guess since super is already out. Imma start playing more online.

650 - Ryu/Ibuki/Akuma

GT: xFoRcEx76

lilsicx66 hit me up i play ken

gt mginfinate 925 Boxer
psn drdreamz

vdonsf - 415 - Ibuki/Chun-Li

(XBL) Dkhai

I main Chun li now, but my vanilla characters were Sagat and Gouken and I still play them on occasion.

I really need Boxer and Abel practice so please norcal players PM me for some 1v1 time soon.
EDIT: if you’re totally beast with chun-li hit me up too, I’ve still got a ways to go.

(408) XBL- aznc0ffe388

in vanilla i mained Rufus with dhalsim and akuma as alts.
in super i’m messing around a lot with juri, deejay, and dudley.

send me that request, lets playyyy

nAtHaN XpLoSiOn - 415 - Bison/Guile