NorCal Super SFIV Xbox Live Matchmaking GGs

Since Super just came out this thread has been revived.

The list will show the gamertag, area code, main character, and backup character. NorCal players will have a chance to play against a variety of characters on a good connection so they can improve their match up and skills. I will record matches of the people that I play on the list so we all can learn from it.

Gamertag - Area Code - Character(s)

saikocrusher - 510 - Boxer/Ibuki

Junetastic - 559 - Boxer

DopeUyuu - 831 - Ryu/Rufus

canoshiz - 408/510 - Bison/Ryu

Kidikorus - ? - Boxer/Rufus

IsaiahN - 510 - Sagat/Blanka

Fipl - 408/949 - Chun Li/Sakura

SIipgater - 510 - Vega

auletaru - 408 - Ryu

Patmonsta N Cal - ? - C.viper

Hotcrack - 408 - Balrog

hyungiez - 650 - ryu/rest of top tiers/el fuerte

skpak - 916 - ryu+random pick

Crizz Nation - 650/510 - Ryu/Zangief

Yuroism - 925 - Ryu + whoever I’m in the mood for.

Stepwnd Marbury - 510 - Chun, Rufus, Viper

tharimrattler - 707 - sagat

Aznmnky3283 - 408 - Ryu

Baang Emm Smurf - 510 - Chun Li

scunscun - 408 - Sagat

Tyram SRK - 707/916 - Ryu

Ironwizard7- 916 - Viper

inorite - 650 - Honda/Balrog

MuppetChrist - 408 - Akuma/Zangief

Casino 21 - 650 - Abel/Ryu/Sakura

ZRushinRussian - 510 - El Fuerte / Balrog / Zangief

EAGLE 1 I FOX 2 - 707 - Balrog / Ken

thebackhorn925 - 925 - Chun/Balrog/Bison/Akuma

Shadow Blanka - 408 - Vega

DEMONLOS - 415 - Balrog

Street Father - 510 - Dhalsim / Rose / Balrog

I Lee34 I - 707 - Boxer/Chun

Hyper Bombs - 510 - Cammy/Gen

Thrust07 - 650 - Bison/Abel/Rose

kbcdee - 408 - Ryu/Rufus

Edg3Zer0 - 408 - hRonda/RRyu Mains. Plays almost everyone.

Boy of Joy - 408 - Blanka

iGaugE - 650 - Sagat/Boxer

hearttomiko - 415 - Akuma, scrub Ryu, scrub Cammy, Flowchart Ken, and Bison.

kofxikula - ? - Cammy, Rose, Sagat, Ryu

HiTnRuNx87 - 650 - Ryu/Rufus

Mr Naps - 510 - Boxer/Gen/whatever else

LOLOLOLOLOL HI - 510 - Akuma/Boxer

Ronskii - Sagat/Ryu - 408

theBAYsics - 925/408 - Ryu, but I also use Ken, Sakura, Dan, Gief, Guile and Chun

Neilsix - 415/916 - Ken

highlulu - 916/925 - Ken

Kuttybang - 510 - Sagat/Ken/Ryu

James123 SRK - 510 - Bison/Everyone else

n33ss - 510 - Akuma/Ryu/Blanka

Empire Buffet - 707 - Blanka/Balrog

Filipino champ - 650 - Dhalsim

Engineer2Perform - 415 - Chun Li/Sagat

local doctor - 707 - Bison/Abel/Ken

mikeymyk - 209 - Ryu/Sagat

Forrest263 - 707/916 - Ryu

Arg3r0n - 415 - ?

JuIcY MaCkIn - 510 - Akuma/Ryu

Raikanami - 707 - Zangief/Ryu

DaWhiteShadow88 - 530 - Ken

Corselle - 530 - Ryu

Danger Hank - 408 - Blanka/Dictator

Skipples35 - 831 - Ryu/Blanka

harban - 209 - Boxer

myname1sjeff - 707 - Guile/Ryu/Gouken/Balrog

LRY916 - 916 - ?

OoKiLLaKeLLyoO - 831 - Gouken/Abel/Rog

Xenocrats - 408 - Chun Li

OneTimeHero ii - ? - Balrog

Dark Mamba1234 - 209 - Balrog/Bison

DASYHRD - 408 - Bison/Ryu

HATEBOT5000 - 415 - Blanka/E.Honda/Balrog

Drizzt519 - 209 - Blanka

jackzenith2010 - 408 - Abel/Ryu

Chan Foundation - 510 - El Fuerte/Balrog/Ryu/Bison/Sagat/Viper

Petey Pirhana - 559 - ?

Choryuken - 415 - Balrog

Knicek - 209 - ?

Leeloo Badaboom - 510 - Balrog/Abel

Flapjacker - 916 - Cammy/Ryu/Rufus/El Fuerte/Sagat

SMASH A BRO - 661 - E.Honda

watchout y0 - 510 - ? - (Old School)

FIREOFA1000SUNS - 415/707 - El Fuerte/Dan

AJVanDenBerghe - 510 - Balrog/Bison/C. Viper/Rufus/E.Honda/Blanka

aznc0ffe388 - 408 - Rufus/Chun Li

REDWOODftw - 408 - Abel

HeylolxD - 408 - Guile/Dictator/E. Honda

tremar510 - 510 - Sagat - Boxer

yaknowhamsayn - 916 - Rufus

newbkills - 209 - Ryu/El Fuerte

JustPlayin42-707- Sagat/Rufus

viktvaughn - 916 - akuma/honda/sakura

kay0ss33 - Sakura/Chun-Li/E. Honda

ARivalSRK - ? - Viper/Zangief/Blanka/Sagat

TomSelleksStash - 559 - Dhalsim

SIKWIDIT510 - 510 - Blanka

fr3shbish0p - 650 - c. viper/ryu/balrog/sagat


Junetastic - 559 - Boxer

if it’s ryu or anyone other than boxer, it’s my roommate.

DopeUyuu-831-ryu?rufus? ha ha

GT: canoshiz, area code switches between 408 and 510 depending whether I’m at school or not
I play mostly Bison/Ryu



Sagat and Blanka

Fipl - 408/949 (might be moving again in a couple months) - Chun Li w/colors: original 10 or alternate 1, 9, 10 and Sakura w/colors: alternate 5

I’ve played some NorCal people in ranked and the comp is great. Oh ya and if you add me, say you are from SRK PacNorth or something so I know who you are.

SIipgater (two i’s) - 510 - Vega

auletaru - 408 - Ryu
I’m down for any kind of competition, even getting completely slaughtered! haha

Patmonsta N Cal C.viper only

Adrian - 208 - Zangrief/M. Brison/Dharsim/Guire/Sagrat/Kren/Vegra/… and Barlog

If you see Akruma or Rryu, it’s most likely Hotboi praying SF4.

Engrish and LOLriats FTW

forgot area code, 510/fremont

650 ryu/rest of top tiers/el fuerte

skpak / 916 / ryu+random pick

Crizz Nation ryu/zang 650/510

Yuroism ? 925 ? Ryu + whoever I’m in the mood for.

GT: Stepwnd Marbury - Chun, Rufus, Viper 510

If my list is full tell me so i can remove people.

tharimrattler / 707 / sagat

Aznmnky3283 - 408 - Sagat/Ryu/Zangief/Chun/Ken/Bison/Blanka/Akuma/Honda/Sim/Abel/Rufus/Guile/Vega…mostly Ryu.

If you see me using any of those characters other than Ryu, it’s all me baby.

Baang Emm Smurf

Chun Li

Union City(510)