Anyone down for casuals in sac? I wouldn’t mind learning GG:AC, Arcana Heart, Melty Blood or whateverthefuck non-3S/mvc2 game people are playing nowadays.
Wow. If that’s true, I won’t feel bad about skipping the tournament at Sac-Con.
One of the organizers (or someone involved) finally emailed me back the other day. She mentioned that it won’t be for another month until she knows if the tournament will be a go.
We were able to use sticks at Sac-Con.
:lol: well you could come down to our GZR Nights tournaments and I can play you on the side there. It’d be cool if you and your friends came down to one of our tournies as well b/c we’re really trying to get the GG:AC scene going up here. Smash and ST tournies are this friday at chabot it’d be tight if you guys could make it cuz I remember playing you and some of the people at your house in smash and there should be a lot of smash players there this friday and my bro Eloquence and Brotha Tie are preforming as well and they’re pretty dope :lol:.
Hey I Play Guilty Gears This Sounds Cooool
damn, right after I leave. a Norcal GG thread appears… I guess I wasn’t looking hard enough for other people who played…oh well…
Ill be heading out to the GZR tournament in Chabot college this friday and Ill try to set up some games of melty blood and arcana heart if anybody is interested please come and join in
Okay @ SJSU for MBAC, we’re near the bowling alley, you can’t miss them. Laptops and a fuckton of asians. Basically Monday is kinda small from like 12-whenever and Wednesday is the bigger day. Same times.
Hopefully I can get enough people to play MBAC at GZR.
:lol:thanks for the info :bgrin: