Noob questions

I’m looking to make a fightstick over the summer (as I will need the time before to gather the money and the knowledge to do it). I would like to make a stick that could work either as a hitbox or with a stick (that I would remove using Phreakmod quick connect when using as a hitbox). I know it’s probably not ideal and I should stick to one style, but I never had a stick before so I would like to try both without having to build a second box and buy a second PCB (those things are expensive). I’m planning on using it mainly for PC and so far I was thinking of getting Brook UFB. Do you think I could do it, would I have to do extensive modifications or simply coupling the wires for the direction would work? Or just using a harness for stick and single cables for buttons? Thanks for the help.

Also, sorry if it as been asked in another thread, please just point me to the right place if it has.

If you want both just have two control panels 1 stick, 1 non-stick.
If you’re trying to innovate, design the hitbox cardinal buttons around the stick’s hole so when you do remove the stick you can insert a large hole plug.

Your prerequisite before spending anymore time or any money is to read all of You haven’t been doing enough reading if you’re going straight to a $90 pcb if you mainly play on PC.

If you can’t wait to start then begin by building some poverty cardboard boxes with goodwill pcbs and knock Arcade parts. If you look in the right brick & mortar places you can buy multiple psx pcbs and generic joysticks and 30mm buttons to get started all under $20.00
Then if you’re still mad enough to continue your custom stick/non-stick route invest in quality tools.

Custom sticks are not the cheap route if you’re starting from scratch and no tools…

You can get a zero delay encoder PCB for dirt cheap on eBay. Comes with the wires too. The only thing is you have to get a some extra wires somewhere to make the hitbox directional buttons work because it doesn’t come with enough(maybe just order 2 ZDE PCBs since they are cheap enough).

I’m in the process of reading slagcoin, it’s one of the reasons why my project is for the summer. The reason I was looking at the UFB is that it does advertise having SOCD cleaner which is primordial for a hitbox. If you think I would be better with another PCB that does have SOCD cleaner installed you are welcome to suggest it. Also, I will of course do cheap cardboard first to test parts and layout. I’m in Montreal, so I don’t know how big the arcade and fighting stick scenes are and we’re to get parts in an actual store, but I will look thanks, I somehow didn’t think of that.

Brook ps3/ps4/PC board has SOCD cleaning, and is way cheaper than the UFB. Either the MC Cthulhu or ps360 would work as well, if you can find one.

As far as I know, there’s very little in the modding scene in Montreal; at least, no real activity based on this forum here.
And from my experience, there’s only one place to pick up parts in-person, and you’ll only find basic things like JLFs, OBSFs, and Happ parts. Nothing like controller/joystick PCBs or stuff like that.

This is not the cheapest option, but I went with Art’s Tek case at Tek Innovations. I got the main panel as a Hitbox and bought an extra top and support Viewlix panel so that I can switch between the joystick and Hitbox on the fly. I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for if your budget is an issue.

I would recommend buying Focus Attack’s modding kit here:

The awesome thing about that kit is it also comes with a Hitbox harness, so you’ll get both the joystick and Hitbox harness if you buy this kit. It also costs $50 compared to ~$90 if you wanted to buy the Brook UFB. This is a great deal for your need, IMO.

I think you’re going to have problems getting a hitbox layout with a joystick also installed. While the top of the joystick is only a small hole, the base of the joystick underneath is not small. Your left hand buttons need to be spaced quite far apart to accomodate that base. I don’t think it would be very ergonomic. The only way around this would be to use an ultra wide case that can have can have the joystick or left hitbox buttons off to the side so they don’t interfere.

What game do you play that doesn’t have a built in SOCD cleaner? Just curious because I will be testing keyboard on ps4 soon.

Canaduh doesn’t have mom&pop used games stores or thrift stores? Lots of padhacks to be had for cheap.

I tested mainly MKXL since it doesn’t have any diagonals I thought it would be easy to learn with a hitbox style control and if it does have SOCD cleaner it’s set to last input while I want neutral.