Noob practice partners

hi i’m looking for some sparring partners that are also new to fighting games. I’ve been playing for about a month now and I mainly play SSFIV AE, Injustice, and UMvC3. i’m really looking for people on my skill level for street fighter and marvel because playing those online can be quite frustrating when new. i’ll play anyone in injustice as well but I am actually quite good at that game. so please feel free to add me I play often and if you ever want to play a few matches I would be more than happy to oblige
gt is triggatre18
I look forward to fighting you!

Whereabouts do you live?

As in country or city. I read back the first comment, and it sounded mega creepy. Lol

Following the above post, where do you live? I would offer my services, but no one really likes to have laggy gameplay.

If anyone wants to to spar and practice send me a friend request on xbl my gamer tag is darkhadotone. i need i alot of practice especially with my links…lol

I live in southeastern US if anyone wants a fellow noob to play with (SSFIV AE)

GT: NapoleonKomplex

im a noob and in need of some training lol

XBL GT: drunk g1rl

I am also a noob. Let me know if you want to run matches

GT: iG Valient

I live in UK and i’m C rank(Only been playing for a month) not sure if that means i’m a noob but hey add me GT:UltraBlake
Edited because of grammar errors.

I don’t have AE, just SSFIV, but if anyone wants to train with me my GT is lukexcore. I’m from the upper midwest, and I blow hard.

I’m getting ahold of those games soon, I’ll gladly give you a match when they arrive!

Need a ultra SFIV practice partner on 360 . lukexcore is still the tag.

I have all 3. Pretty noobish on all. Mot1ve1017

plamatonto steam; USF4, MK9, Injustice, pretty good
xbox360gamer tag: papuski(very noob got the game yesterday, wanna learn it)

I’m in Texas and always down for sparring online, GT: ZanyFiddler