Noob (Novice) Tourny

i am about to enter my first main tournament and im not a noob . im a veteran sf player of 14 years and just never felt the need to show off however i got a kicking the other day on home turf and feel the urge to redeem myself .


I hope you’re not referring to his grammar skills because 1) I’ve tried, Oorochizoolander isn’t about to change
2) that’s not what he was referring to.

If that wasn’t what you were referring to, then feel free to prove me wrong.

Edit: good thing I added “feel free to prove me wrong”

Jesus, he got thrown to the wolves with this thread

He’s basically referring to that post in question. c.short connects easily into low tiger shot with Sagat. Basically, he was acting like it was something new(at the time of the post).

Well thats cause u hold a tournament for everyone not noobs. U get better by playing really good people not by trying to play those just as new or bad at the game as you.

There was some awesome irony going on in there. I hate you had to miss it. OZ got served so hard it’s not even funny…actually it is.


The main problem is that there’s no real way to determine who’s a “noob” or not. The only thing I could imagine doing is holding a tournament within an established scene and not allowing any of the known faces to enter, but how in the world would you get enough interest anywhere to do such a thing?

Every screening process could be faked, so yeah. Just enter normal tournaments and get better. The ones in NC are a good place to start…and yeah, where are you? If you’re in/around Raleigh, we have several people around here that play many different games. Alpha and CvS2 aren’t very big though.

Anyway, I still think this is just a joke account. Nobody creates an account just to showcase the idea that they’re a noob and they make noob topics for the hell of it. Noob…eh, I’m tired of that word…

Yeah… it’s difficult to if there’s anyone who loses all the time. How about the losers tournament then? People who loses matches even more, money matches for instance?

There is the problem of finding out who noobs are and that’s what really hurts this format. If a guy beats up everyone is he banned from the next tourney?

Though I do suggest it’s not a stupid idea to hold tournaments for differing skill levels. Many sports/competitive events have different levels of competition based on skill, the minor leagues for baseball allow players to work on their game and get it ready for the big leagues. Amatuer leagues versus pro leagues (golf comes to mind) it can be very beneficial for people to compete within their skill level and then push into the next level, rather than handing a guy some clubs, putting him out there at the Masters, and hoping he gets better. (I mean he surely would get better eventually, but I’d argue that he’d grow as a player much faster if he joined an amatuer league, played easier courses and got his game ready for the PGA.)

So the whole thing fails to work because it’s hard to distinguish who is noob enough to be worthy of play, but I certainly don’t think tournaments/gatherings for newer/noobish players to be a futile notion. So not a tournament, that’d be hard to organize, but organize a gathering or something.

Tourneys for differing skill level is pointless. If you’re in a tournament–especially for a fucking videogame–then you’re probably the kind of person who takes this competitive stuff seriously, and wants to get better ASAP.

That being said, you’ll get a hell of a lot more out of watching advanced players do their thing, seeing innovative new ideas, and differing styles of play as opposed to a random n00bfest, where poor tactics and random spamming reign supreme.

The only time you want to fight n00bs or players of equal(ly poor) skill level is if you’re blowing off steam, want to fool around, or are in a money match. Otherwise, you’re better off going to a tourney with top tier players.

Sometimes it’s hard to learn from better players if they’re arrogant asses, always talking shit to you even though it’s obvious that they’re 100x better then you.

Also, some people exploit infinites… which is hard to learn from too.

At least you have plenty of time to see the pattern of the infinite.

Theoretically the idea of scrub tourneys is stupid, but I’ve played in several at or around FFA, and they can be beneficial. Many times people aren’t motivated to participate when certain players enter that are of a higher caliber than anyone else, so you can get more low tier players getting tournament experience, and overall players get more confident about their playing.

Although there needs to be a skill gap between the winner and the losers, otherwise there isn’t much opportunity for the losers to learn and grow as players, so don’t go banning anyone whos been playing more than a year.

man who the fuck is the asshole that neg repped me in this thread. i didnt mean that ffa players suck, im saying they have their low tier tourneys or whatever they’re called, and top players arent allowed.