Non-CPT premium costumes cost 4~5x as much as SF4 costumes. Is this pricing too high?

And you can say that for “some” of the changes…but again, you do realize that there’s a NEXT season right? CPT doesn’t really have an off-season, so where will they find the time to actually IMPLEMENT changes that will fix the core gameplay? That will fix the 8 frames? And on and on.

We can’t use that as an excuse even for things that are simply the basic problems of the core engine(Characters have too little freedom from their designated roles, so they come off as literal one note ponies except for a FEW that can afford it due to Capcom just allowing it) and Capcom’s base decisions.

I’m not saying they will never fix the problems, but they really should not let it be like MKX and let it flounder for too long: You actually still want casuals playing the game so that the CPT can continue.

A demo is more close to what KI is. I’d say it’s more an endless beta.

Curious, how much of the CPT cost is paying for the tournaments? Many of these tournaments existed without CPT, and they are getting more entrants each tournament which helps with the cost of running it, as well as increasing the prize pool. All we know is the 500k bonus towards the entire year end pot, that isn’t exactly a crazy amount when you consider the extra revenue from the eyes on the product and the fact Sony is paying for a chunk of that.

Plus, the extra costs are may not not good for the life of the product itself. Look at how many people in here agree the price is a bit high vs those that disagree with the pricing. It also looks like a number that disagree are also disagreeing with the price being an issue because they aren’t planning on buying more content in the first place because they want to spend less than they spent on SF4.

I think we are getting an issue of quantity of sales vs price of sales vs cost of producing these things.

In all fairness to the “improvements” issue there are also a number of improvements that have been left aside in favor of adding a ton more DLC and COULD be done before the end of the season:

Adding direct input to PC, adding keyboard rebinding, adding keyboard UI, adding language settings option, adding improvements to UI for changing resolution. Fixing the improperly set up online rollback system which never actually catches up until the end of the round in addition to forcing one player to get all of the rollback. Adding in the daily challenges that were supposed to launch with the shop, and frankly should have been at launch. Adding in a proper versus CPU mode. None of these issues actually affect the balance of the game. Instead they are concentrating costs on graphical improvements, like adjusting bust sizes, changing camera angles, and adding more costumes.

Many of these issues have been said, for months, to be “coming soon.” They said back in February that the direct input and keyboard issue would be added soon, and have yet to even mention it since that one post. Dantarion, one person doing it in spare time, managed to create a direct input driver that works with a large number of joysticks, within about a month. There is no excuse for a major company not to be able to create, test for issues, and add this extremely requested feature within 3~4 months, and the game has been out for 5 monthes, NOT COUNTING THE BETA 2 monthes earlier. So in 7 months they still haven’t addressed this issue.

These are different departments, however they should be spending more of that cash, and hiring people, to fix these more important issues.

I’m going to assume Capcom’s priced their premium DLC in a way that’s most optimal for them. They are well aware that lowering the price of the DLC will increase the amount of buyers, but would it be enough to offset the lower price point? If they feel like they’d make more money by dropping the prices, they’ll do it.

Until then, it is what it is. If it takes selling expensive DLC for Capcom to keep supporting SF5 and to make a SF6, whatever, let them cook. I’ll take OPTIONAL expensive DLC for SFV over them exclusively making Monster Hunter, Pachinko and iOS games. Because real talk Capcom investors probably don’t even want them to make fighting games anymore unless there’s DLC monetization going down. Look how hard it was for them to even get Street Fighter V into production.

Just like they were “well aware” of the input lag? Or “well aware” of the number of servers they’d need at launch, even though the beta also had less servers than they needed? Or how they were “well aware” of how important single player content would be to the general public when the game launched?

There have been so many miss-steps Capcom has made with SFV that I would not give them the benefit of the doubt on this one Joey. Regardless of how well they have treated the FGC, which still they have made mistakes but are presenting the face that they want to do better, they have shown that they aren’t always instep with where they need to be on many important things. Will they improve? Probably. However putting your best foot forward is extraordinarily important.

I’m okay with the pricing, because I’m betting on it supporting the game/community. I’d probably be a little angry if Urien was the last character and then SF6 came out immediately…but that’s likely not the case. We probably have years and at least a dozen more characters to put to this game…I’m only getting the costumes for who I want and WHICH ones I want. They made it easier by having a lot of the costumes absolutely BLOW ASS (like any of Vega’s…I play Vega but have no DLC for him).

If you’re a poor gamer though, this probably sucks.

If you’re a poor gamer you shouldn’t be buying a current gen system any way. Video gaming is one of the most lucrative forms of entertainment and it’s not because it’s cheap.

Parents/customers have been complaining about the crazy cost of video games since like the late 80’s. They were expensive then too with less options to share or try the games out.

I think the issue is that they wanted to eat their cake and have it too. High prices are fine in a pseudo-F2P model where you can earn that shit with fake money. If I’m grinding Bison, I will eventually get his premium costume, so I don’t give a fuck if it’s a bit too pricey. Hell, I might just buy FANG’s with actual money because I still like playing FANG from time to time and I didn’t have to pay for Bison’s with real money. You can take more money per individual costume because I don’t actually have to pay for it all. But in a model where I still have to pay for premium stages and costumes, you can’t really charge that much per individual item. I love the Ring of Destiny stage, but fuck you for charging 10 euros for that shit. That’s one sixth of what I paid for the entire goddamn game! Either make everything able to be purchased with FM, or charge reasonable prices. You can’t make each costume cost as much as five costumes to make up for the difference.

What Capcom is doing with the dlc content is seriously nowhere nowhere nearly as bad as some of you folks make it sound. Do none of you seriously play any other genres of games? When you objectively compare them to multiple other genres try to come back to me and make a claim that Capcom is still the* “worst of them all.*”.

Some people on here said that LoL is F2P, which of course is a yes, however earning a Hero of your choice (especially if they’re worth 6300 IP) takes an eternity for a New Player (matches last at least 20 minutes or greater, you do the math), all the while you can play for free, but as a new player you’re stuck with rotating heroes every week.

Most people I’ve been around or in general simply opt out to buy Heroes in these situations because of how much grinding is required to just obtain a single character for free, and if you’re looking to only the Free Route, well than Good luck because the amount of time invested is going to be absurd considering the amount of IP (150-200 IP for win of day, but averaging around 50 IP if you win, and remember games last at least 20 minutes) that would be needed.

Costumes I’ve seen in LoL range from $10-30, and let’s be completely honest here because $30 for a costume is complete bullshit. I still remember the New “Megaman” like Ezreal costume when it first came out was running for $30 and people were like “Yeah, this price isn’t so bad.” however these same individuals would be bitching about SF:4’s $15 pricetag upgrade on 5 new characters being too expensive. Hypocrite much?

In the Long Run, you will end up paying More to Play LoL than you would in SF:V, this is due in part because of the amount of Heroes in LoL and the amount of Skins that one may optionally want to buy. When I used to play this League, I had a roster of 31 characters on my account which was deemed “small” in comparison to most people considering most on average has at least half the amount of heroes or more, I had only less then 25% of the cast and that was 31 remember.

Yes, I would be lying if I said I got all of them through IP (Not including the optional costumes I also bought). The roster back then was already at like 114, so imagine 2016 currently? If you were specifically just a F2P player, get Real Man, before you know it, you’d be throwing Money at this game, and Hard. But hey, SF:V is the true evil here with money grouping correct?

I’ve also run into FPS games in which buying an obscure dumb sticker to put on your weapon would take $4-6 dollars from your wallet. You tell me what’s a better value? $6 for a measly sticker or a completely new, unique and playable character in SF?

MMO’s for example do things with payment that directly Affect Gameplay, and by far have the Worst Practices for any Gaming Genre.

Want to Level Up More Quickly? Pay Real $$$
Want to Get More Options for Cosmetics/Costumes? Pay Real $$$
Want these Special Costumes that are RNG chance only within these boxes? Pay Real $$$
Want to Have More Access Into Dungeons? Pay Real $$$
Want to Have This Mount? Pay Real $$$
Want to Have More Storage Space? Pay Real $$$
Want to be able to Global Chat? Pay Real $$$
Want to be able to Trade? Pay Real $$$
Want to be able to Set More than 1 Item at an Auction House? Pay Real $$$
Want to have a bigger skill tree to have more skills? Pay Real $$$
Want to have a Higher Success of Upgrading Gears/Weapons? Pay Real $$$

This is to just name a few, and not even getting into other stupid nonsense like “paying” to dye gears/weapons, or dying “hair” or skin, facial changes etc, etc.

I’m absolutely sure anyone whose played one has dealt with something I’ve said above at one point or time, and ultimately ended up throwing down the $$$ to do so. More importantly, many of these directly affect gameplay (None of these Costumes or Optional payment for SF:V affect gameplay), the fact that you can level up faster by earning more exp with payment, because you are limited in storage space you cannot hold more items, and because of that it will ultimately force you to pay just to get more space.

Making payments in order to Global Chat? Just to Global Chat folks? While many I’ve seen you couldn’t even trade your friends because you had to pay, and the funniest part is that if your friend wasn’t paying either than you weren’t allowed to trade, but only individuals whom were throwing down the $$$ would be allowed to do so. The Reason for this payment excuse? Oh, to stop gold selling…LMAO.

Imagine if one had to pay to gain more Access to open up your Skills BS in some MMO’s but for SF:V? “Wait, I can’t Shoryuken with Ryu? Oh what?! I have to pay $5 to unlock that?” However, to many of you folks, Capcom currently is being too steep?

Gear/Weapon enhancement is one of the most Expensive and Cost ineffective payment investments ever! This is all because of the RNG nonsense. It was not uncommon to see people go through $100-200-300 dollars and get Nothing Worth of any value for that amount spent. Imagine seeing that amount of money spent all to see your weapon or gear break? Still think Capcom is worse?

I’ve personally been around people in MMO’s long enough to see that many dedicated players were averaging a few hundred dollars Per Month (That’s me being modest mind you). Per Month!?!? Many times, it was significantly more, and to those who simply “went” F2P in these games, you’re basically selling your soul to this game because the amount of grinding one has to do to just remotely be competitive (In terms of being able to get the proper accessibility to earn these gears/weapons or other things for free) is beyond borderline absurdity.

Point is once again, long run, you will end up having to pay More in these circumstances even if they were Free-To-Play, and worst of all, at significantly higher ratios than what we’ve seen with the fighting game genre, or in this particular case, SF:V. Being F2P for other genres doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be paying less to continue playing that particular game. That is because they are Free To Play, they will more than likely make earning things incredibly difficult, and to such a point that players will ultimately end up paying anyways.

This is because it is going to be their only to way to obtain revenue and let me stress this one more time, but this will ultimately have players paying More to be competitive in contrast to something that we are currently dealing with in SF:V.

SF:V may have the Price tag of $60, but at least You Know What You’re Getting Right Off The Bat, and the costumes are Optional and have No Effect on the gameplay whatsoever so it’s not going to be a big deal. You simply buy the costumes that you want. Not only that, but they’ve made it incredibly easy for beginners to earn a few hundred thousand FM right off the bat, which gives them access to obtain free characters already.

Even though some of you believe the prices are deemed “Too High” for SF:V in which case I completely disagree because of what other genres have done and still continue to do this very day. I’m very pleased that SF:V has kept all their premium costumes as an optional cost within less than $10, seriously go and check out some of the Moba cost nonsense and especially the MMO genre with cosmetic cost.

For SF:V you don’t need to have these outfits to be competitive, and the only thing that players should really put their money into if they plan to spend on SF:V should be on unlocking the characters, or FM if you’ve played enough, and I can say that I’ve unlocked every character through FM besides Guile.

Please, Look to the Above Examples I’ve displayed and come back to try and explain to me as to how Capcom is the #1 Evil Money Leech with SF:V vs other Genres (Even F2P ones).

I just think SFV model of season pass is bad and colors shouldn’t be hard to get. Other than that I fine with the service-based model. Also, I am bit skeptical about the targets, they are taking too damn long to implement them.

Yeah about those challenges/targets… We have only one character left to get on the first season and yet we still have no better way to grind fight money.

All this new content dropping either costs a bundle of real money or a abundance of time.

If Capom keeps this greedy crap up I will have no one to play locally. Many serious fighters I know are dropping this game in frustration over all this stupid BS. I guess I will just have to enjoy rage quitting hell or just stop playing.

When I explain to people how much the dlc costs, how to unlock the colors and the censorship they get furious and shake their heads in disgust. Many are not giving this game a chance because of Capcom’s self sabotage.

My friends that play fighting games casually are pissed they only have a few colors for the characters selectable. I don’t have the time to grind them out except for a few.

I tell people how much I paid for this incomplete beta game with overpriced dlc they think I am crazy. I tell them in the end Capcom is the one who will pay the biggest price with massive loss in sales, customers, loyal fans and reputation.

It would be a lot less work to have just done things right. I know Capcom is not this stupid something very strange is going on.

I game on PC, have a current gen console, as well as a previous gen console and a still working Sega Genesis. Capcom is just price gouging people in SF5. I double dipped costumes on console and PC for SF4, I refuse to buy any DLC at all for SF5. They shouldn’t even be selling DLC at all when they need to be focusing on the 8f, one sided rollbacks, and getting more 1 player content in the game. This is the laziest Capcom game ever.

That’s probably what they’re aiming for. Release Urien and the challenges at the same time so they can say ‘look, we delivered’ while being aware that people who don’t have enough FM at that point (my guess: many) will have to either grind those challenges to death while not being able to use him on release day or buy him with real money instead.

Yes, exactly.

I remember my SEGA Master System games used to cost approximately 60 US$ in the 1980s and the worth of 60$ 30 years ago compared to today’s must be at least double, so imagine paying 120 for a game these days with 8-bit graphics, a maximum of 2-player support and very limited storage capacities typically allowing for only about 5-10 unique stages in most side-scrollers.

The gullible consumer, everyone.

No one has the heart to say this but it’s true. Video games have always been a luxury and if you can’t afford them, you should not buy them. I’m not trying to sound classist but it’s true. There was a long time where I couldn’t afford shit except the 360 I got from a friend at a discount and no arcade stick. I just either played the games I had or played nothing at all and found other leisurely activities.

I never put myself in the position where I either bought a video game or ate for the next week. That’s insane. I don’t even do that with my drinking and I spend the equivalent of a mid-level PC a month on drinking. The day I don’t have a job or have to cut back, I will just have to suck it up and not drink.

The only upside to these SFV costumes are that they aren’t bundled.

I could really give a **** about the characters I don’t use.

I would have bought this stuff if, 1 if the game was free to play as problems we’ve been experiencing suggests, or if I had paid 30 dollars like some who had the wonderful opportunity to do.

The game was marketed to the competitive crowd, but that’s not an excuse for the lack of content and high costume prices. If it was maybe $20 I could understand. Also, $10 for a stage is ridiculous considering we don’t even get told how much money actually goes to CPT events.