No Hype

I got into the FGC in my area with UMVC3 and that was the only thing I played. I really enjoy watching SSF4 and get hyped on both! I always thought of getting into AE (only played SF2 as a clueless kid), but never really wanted to commit to it.

Marvel is a lot of fun, but I could never get constant practice without a huge dedication of meeting locals multiple times a week. I never wanted to touch online because it is just so bad I can’t practice my big combos without them being near impossible to land online. Also online practice would just mess with my offline games.

KI though… I just love the game. I never really payed too much attention before it came out. I was always planning on getting a ps4 over an xbone, but after watching all of Max’s videos I got super hyped into playing it. I went out on black friday and spent 570 on the system and game, and preordered 200 for the stick.

It is a huge amount of money, but I am just having a blast in the game. I don’t even use all of the resources it gives and I find myself doing rather well. Heavies on a controller are a big problem for me so I won’t be using them till I get my stick.

Landing those counter breakers are just so awesome. Graphics, gameplay, music/sound, stage design. It is just awesome. It became my #1 focus game. The online is so smooth I can actually practice every day for tourney play.

@sef24 you explained a lot of why I never played marvel 3 as much as I could. The online is not conducive for strong practice and just couldn’t go to every local meetup just to get practice against people that only live in your area for the most part. KI opens a whole new world for preparing for tournaments.

Yep I never like to only practice combos in marvel. Ki online means I can actually take this game more seriously

Online play may not be good for execution but it’s good for matchup knowledge.

Yea true. I just found it a bit of a headache and wanted a overall better experience in both offline/online play. Rather not be limited in what I could do

I find it funny that people who hate on KI are the same people that don’t have an xbox one or are to F*%@ing young and dumb to remember KI back in the day. heres something the haters won’t understand this franchise sells consoles lol

To much nostalgia from that pic! To awesome!

i think this game is very overrated…most people base their reasons of why they want to play this game on nostalgia and nothing else…it borrows several elements of other fighting games and doesn’t even make the overall experience unique, intriguing, or authentic…


I think you are 100% incorrect.

What is the point of your video? You state nothing that would really reinforce your opinion in it? All it was was you repeating yourself about people having an opinion of your opinion and you being offended by that (for the most part).

Also, have you played the game? If you have, can you state reasons why you think it is overrated? If you haven’t, what makes your opinion valuable? It would be like a reviewer giving a score to a game that they haven’t played but only saw the trailer. Most people who play the game actually like the gameplay. Yes, there are those who like it for nostalgic reasons but that is definitely not the majority.

He’s just spamming his shitty video.

It seems that way.

Nice Umbrella Corp shirt brah.

“KI has no hype” = I bought a PS4, have no games to play, and can’t wait for Ultra SF4: Copy/Paste Edition

the game seemed really easy to me when i played it at a microsoft store. i was able to pull off 40 - 50% combos in just a few minutes and i think it being an xbox one exclusive really made the game not hype because people are not willing to pay $400+ for one game.

How did this game do at NEC numbers wise? Like previously said its currently pretty niche given the circumstances to actually play it yourself. I think it needs a good few more months before things pick up for this game (if it actually does)

Doing those combos aren’t hard, it’s getting your opponent to lockout while trying to maximize damage which is difficult. Among people who know how to play the game, unless there’s a lockout, you rarely see people go for long combos. Way too risky.

Don’t quote me but I think it was 75 entrants. I think @Deviljin01 knows.

What Zedox said about the combos is true. I usually just do one combo chain and then play footsies with my opponent and repeat unlesss they’re bad.

Also, Im pretty sure NEC had 75 people.

Killer Instinct original selling point back when it was on the SNES was Combos.
KI was the first fighting game that legitimately offered combos and attack cancels as a planed in-game feature. I even had a strategy guide as a kid for KI showing every single combo for each character in the game, and what moves can cancel into what. And every different combination of each combo for each character (it was a rather thick book for a fighting game strategy guide).

Yes Street Fighter II had combos first but combos originally existed in the game as a bug/flaw in the game engine/code.
Capcom just keep combos in their games as players loved it and it added more dimensions to game play.

no hype… okay… right…

honestly in my opinion, (aside from nostalgic reasons) if this games give you no hype then i think it boils down to two main factors:

  1. You haven’t played anyone that is real competition for where your current level of game play is at
  2. You dont yet fully grasp how high level game play of this game is more than what is seen at face (screen, stream, youtube) value.

to explain… well #1 goes for any fighting game…so that doesnt really need to be explained.
#2… once you get behind the face of just long combos and actually understand that when a combo starts, its basically like starting and hour glass on a tug of war match (best thing i could come up with at the time) once you hit that opener, at a high level, you have more to worry about than just mashing buttons…you have to think about

autos or manuals - autos easy- manuals strict timing
which linkers for best outcome -damage or carry
BUT ALSO which strength of an attack to use- do you get broken a lot, am i being predictable, which havent i used, AM I BAITING FOR A DAMAGING COMBO LATER IN THE MATCH etc
whether and WHEN (makes a huge difference) to counter break or not
to use meter or not
to use instinct or not
the length of your combo itself
If there’s a lockout, how to capitalize on it
which combo ender and/or reset
AND you have to BATTLE MUSCLE MEMORY… (in this game getting caught up in this can break a match hella fast,
there is no "set up, launch, then ROM til dead)
all this while watching your hit meter and going with the flow of the combo and not getting out of rhythm and dropping it

so even when not playing and im watching say a high level match and someone lands two counter breakers in one combo im outta my seat HYPE cause i know what possibly went into that… now add that to a clutch match and its over 9000

or even watching casual matches/streams and watching players learn and think or new tech

and all this above is just from inside the combo system, but outside of the combo system, it does have footsies and all other makings for a normal fighter but just like in Marvel or MK or SF its about getting to where your play style reins supreme.

But all in all it could be that you could just not like/enjoy/feel the game… which by far is not a bad thing… its just not your cup of tea and if in that case i can see why there would be a complete lack of hype… but really i think this choice can only be made only for the people who have given it a try and not just spectated.