No Hype

Phones are cool and all but let’s keep the subject about KI.

Did you not see CD Jr. constantly rave about KI? Did you not hear about the launch tournament that MS threw for the game? Did you not see the existing KI thread on SRK?

Have you not seen the videos that Max have been pumping out on KI? Have you not watched FilthieRich, Floe, PerfectLegend, LI Joe. F. Champ streams for KI yet?

Yea, you are wrong.

There’s frame data/hit boxes within the game itself which is a start. There’s also a Prima guide you can buy.

Yeah, seen all this. I maybe expected more, cus if a new game comes out there usually much more going on than that. Granted it’s on a new console…but I don’t know, I just expected more people to get it.
Anyway, it’s all good, we are all happy. The things you guys say are just what I was hoping for: the game is AWESOME :slight_smile:
And yes, I just found the prima eGuide, it’s great man!

Actually funny enough, a lot of people didn’t know about the KI MS tournament til after it happened when it was tweeted out to 2.4 million people.

DrFunksson, don’t worry you’ll get what you want starting next week. First Killer Instinct major event.

Can we get a general thread? I wanna ask about everyone’s gambits.

I got a chance to play this finally at a friends house who picked up an XboxOne… it was the demo, but damn, now im kinda hungry for it. I would love to see this at least available for windows or something, even if MS pulls another Halo 2 Vista and does some KI W8 stuff i dont think i’d mind too much.

There’s not much hype because:

  1. This game is KI, but raped by M$ and Double Helix Games, a studio who is infamous for making the shittiest of titles.

  2. Xbone

Any hype you see is hype fabricated by marketing devs because no one likes the Xbone.

i love my xbox one i waited for 17 years just for Killer Instinct and its here. i only got this system just to play k.I. so to me its a k.I. BOX.i have both xbox n ps4 so its not about wats better. i will support this game because i like it and its awesome not because people say its good or bad. try it out for yourself because more support for this game equals more content for the FGC MORE MORE MORE !!!

No hype for me because this game doesn’t exist to me

  1. This is their niche and a final good title. Its their “Godfather”
  2. You seem mad.

Whys that? This game is a really good sequel to KI.

Nice job just just deciding no one likes MS or the XB1. I think they did an amazing job this time around, and I used to go to bat for Sony.

And this is one of those ignorant fanboys I was talking about.

I didn’t buy an Xbox one, otherwise I’d definitely be playing it. I think that’s the case for the majority of the people on this board. There has yet to be a single game on any Xbox console that’s been of interest to me (mostly cause I enjoy RPGs) that wasn’t released on PC. So it would be very hard for me to justify buying up an Xbox for 499$ (plus taxes) + 20-50$ for the game + 120$ for a fightstick (again taxes). You’re looking at 700$ AND an xbox live membership to boot?

I’m sure the game is fun, just hard to justify that expense if you’re like me and don’t really enjoy FPS’ that the xbox has to offer. Another thing, there hasn’t been a HUGE amount of major tournaments yet. You’ll have to give MS a chance to promote it like Netherrealms did with Injustice.

I think right now the main problem is:

  1. a new console, so not as many people will have it right away. Once they release the rest of season 1 characters, it will only grow
  2. not many arcade stick choices (only 1, and very hard to come by already). So most fighters who use arcade sticks before (like me) is having a harder time adjusting on a pad.

And about the internet not having any info about data, hit boxes, etc; they’re all in the game anybody can access to. No hidden secret like other games.

But ya, agree for now there isn’t much online about info in general. I think everyone’s just enjoying it and getting used to the new console and the like for now. I just want to know what the HUD info is, which is my character ranking vs player ranking, how does the ranking work (IMO needs work), what do I get a different title than what’s shown, etc.

and yet here you are talking about it :slight_smile:

no hype?

you mean no xbox 1

So I was looking on Metacritic for reviews and I found this
From Metacritic user Roshi
This easy one of the Worst fighting games I have ever played in my life and I have played many horrible fighting games like bloody roar series, Shaqfu primal rage,pit fighter, rise of the robots. But they had some redeeming value of being so bad It was mildly entertaining this game does not have that luxury. Oh where to even start with this disaster supposedly 17 or something years in the making?. I know lets start with a list of the pros and cons. Pros. The game boots up to the title screen. The game runs for a few hours non stop. Online play gives convincing illusion that there is no lag when it works. Children will have fun pressing buttons at random and winning both online and off for a while. (This was tested we let a 8 year old kid do this while we talked on the headset and he won many matches against adults who have been playing longer than 3 hours. He also got bored of the game in 3 hours and never wanted to play it again) There is slightly more particles than I could get on my xbox 360 fighting games. A couple songs in the music are decent but not as good as any of the old games soundtracks. There is some form of sound. There is some form of graphics. You can rebind the buttons. I am really stretching here since there is so little content to talk about and most of it is not good or fun. Cons Worst looking fighting game I have ever seen both technical and artwork standpoint. Characters look like ridiculous abominations of the old games characters. They now as if Hollywood got a hold of the KI license and made horrible movie version of them. (see street fighter the movie, double dragon, super mario,doom or any other bad video game movie.) Bad artwork in general Sadria is lame looks like a mortal kombat character reject. The Rest look like bad street fighter 4 secret darkstalkers 4 characters that was not good enough for capcom to use and left on the cutting room floor. UI design is the worst I have ever seen in a fighting game looks like bad 70s kung fu action flick UI the complete opposite of what the series is known for and it is not done well either. Looking at it hurts my eyes I feel physical pain. Looks worse than most xbox 360/ps3 fighting games you can get. Models are blocky. Backgrounds are bland and low poly with unpleasant to look at artwork design, bad lighting and shaders. Yes even the famous soul calibur from the dreamcast launch is a contender for looking better than this game. Has next to nothing that of was cool in the old games in the series. In fact it has almost no content at all. In fact a person who saw me playing this for 20 minutes had no Idea it was a KI game. Has less content than most fighting games from 1991 or 1995 6 dull characters/fighting styles, no interesting modes to play it gets dull after 1 day or a few hours. Gameplay is straight out of 1997 with nothing that will advance the genre and it is not done well it is the same junk you have been playing in games such as street fighter/ marvel vs capcom only done much worse. Two Killer instinct gameplay features are tacked on after that in a poor way the result is a Frankenstein that is neither KI or capcom gameplay and neither are good. Combos are boring to do and bland with really bad animations that repeat over and over, seems to has less variety in combo animations than Ki1 or ki2 arcade. Game is too slow much slower than previous games hits have an annoying hit pause between them that interrupts the flow and makes combos easy to brake leading to one person getting a brake doing a short combo then braking the combo again. You can also brake the combo brake and do it again This is not fun in anyway. “Lockout” that supposedly there to stop button mashing does not stop random button pushing combo breakers. Controls are not responsive enough even with the ridiculous huge frame window they give to input move commands and dumb down move commands it still wont respond 100% of the time. So easy to button mash and win even against players who have been playing much longer and know what they are doing everybody does better when they stop thinking and mash buttons. Tojo training mode is worthless you can only play it as 1 character even if you have them all. Emulation of KI is bad and it is not accurate. Game locks up after running non stop for a few hours. It only runs in 720p and looks just as blurry as my xbox 360 fighting games. Online matches disconnect all the time. — In all this game is not worth $500 for a xbox one in fact I got this game free from Microsoft by it was placed on my account I would not pay for it. The game smells of unfinished product cash grab where the Devs could care less about the game seriesl There is nothing here to justify new console hardware for fighting games and in fact ust about ever single game on xbox 360/ps3 looks and plays better than this horrible fighting game. You are better off keeping or buying a xbox 360/ps3 and playing the many quality FG


That guy sounds like a butthurt SF4 fanboy who wants to see the game fail. Hes realllly mad. and I disagree with everything he has said.

Why you would pull a review from metacritic is beyond me.

@drfunksson if you want hype just watch Maximilian’s vids to hold you over. His vids are getting like 25,000 views in one day for a game that a lot of the people in the comments section probably don’t even have an Xbox One to play it on yet.

Plus NEC will be hosting the first KI major tournament this weekend so you can be sure some hype will be had there. Funny that the first major for UMVC3 was also hosted there.

I really want this game to be up there with the rest. To me just being able to pull off the musical ultra combos is hype enough for me. Hopefully that first major tournament will help boost its popularity.