No Honor Crew PSN SF2HDR October Tournament

Hey guys, I’m holding a tournament for HDR, please check this thread and sign up. Used to be, post in the PSN section for HDR tournies for PSN, but it seems like a ghost town there. I’m not sure if you all check it here either, but I’m posting a link here just in case. I (or hopefully someone from NHC who is available in case I’m not) will be holding these every month.

Thanks to everyone who came out and played, it was a great turnout. Big props to Moonchilde for setting it up and running it, I think it was a big success. I think everyone had a great time (I know I did). I recorded a bunch of the matches for Moon here they are (the Grand Finals and the Semi between Moon and GNX especially are pretty good).

Enforcer04 vs madpossum Winner’s Semi


JinJah vs Moonchilde Winner’s Semi


Moonchilde vs GNX Loser’s Semi


Rice247 vs Moonchilde Loser’s Semi


Jinjah16 vs madpossum Winner’s Finals


Jinjah16 vs Rice247 Loser’s Finals


Rice247 vs madpossum Grand Finals Part 1


Rice247 vs madpossum Grand Finals part 2


That jinjah guy has a nasty ass chun. Those neutral jumps are murderous against Honda :frowning: