No Honor Crew PSN HDR November Tournament

There won’t be a next time, because I won’t be posting tournaments on SRK anymore.

Why not?
You just started the tournaments for 2 months…

Half the people that signed up didn’t show up and a few of the ones that did dropped or disconnected for no apparent reason.

So what’. It was the webchat that has problems but we can use ps3 chat just for match making. I can help u recording .i see lots of players on hdr,

Looks like there was tournament set up and webhost issues
You just got to do better job of setting up da date. Its a no of setting it up da same week you post of when the tournament is finally on.
Also, fix up the webhost deal.
And you’ll get much better results

Hey did u got your ps3 ? Lets have some matches

Sry not yet. Been spending money for xmas gifts. Im also talking to this girl now. Been spending money on her lol

Moonchilde I wanted to apologize for my noshow. I hate saying I am going to do something and then not do it. With that being said I actually was on and ready when it initially said the 26th. I then saw it had changed to the Friday. I was sick and I couldnt get the chat feature to work on my tablet (I tried on the 26th).

Anyhow sucks you dont want to ogranize these anymore. I know how frustrating it can be. I think you should look and take your own advice you wrote earlier on how you had better success giving these types of tourneys a short notice. I think when you start giving people time it just makes it more easily for them to forget and more time for the event to fail. This seems to be a problem for on-line and not off-line. Just my observation.