No Honor Crew PSN HDR November Tournament
Time: 10 pm Eastern, 9 pm Central, 8 pm Mountain, 7 pm Pacific
Date: November 30th
Tournament rules:
No Akuma
Winner’s and Loser’s brackets are best 3 out of 5 rounds, best 2 out of 3 matches.
Semi-finals and Finals might be recorded and put on youtube.
Semi-finals (top 4) are best 3 out of 5 rounds, best 3 out of 5 matches.
Finals are best 3 out of 5 rounds, best 3 out of 5 matches, Winner’s finalist only needs 3 wins, Loser’s finalist needs 6.
Entrant registration is available up to 10 minutes before the tournament starts.
For roll call, bracket posting, and match making, please use to show up for the tournament. Type in your PSN name, and in the Channels box please join #NoHonorCrew, exactly as typed. If you do not show in the IRC channel, then you’ll be disqualified under the assumption you do not want to play even if I see you online via Friends List.
Also, please only have the IRC chat open in your browser, and please disable any other chat programs to cut back on lag. Why does it matter? Because if you leave sites like Facebook open or other sites, they’ll often have an auto-refresh of some sort to keep updated and send you notifications, and this causes extra internet traffic because these packets interfere with the game’s packets. Netflix shouldn’t even need mentioned!
Last time we had a great turn out with only 3 days of notice. This time I’m hoping for an even better turn out. What you can do to help is send people who aren’t part of the Facebook group a message to let them know about the tournament. There were probably about 6 decent players on my Friends List who doesn’t check here who I tried to get to join via messages. Not everyone checks them in time because I had 3 people respond after the tournament was over. Getting everyone gathered in one spot will help a lot, hence, the Facebook page.
Things we need for the tournament:
People to record matches. If you want, for example, Top 8 recorded, then we need multiple people. It takes far too long for 1 person to record that many matches. If we only have 1 or 2 people recording, then we’ll simply only record semi-finals and finals.
We need a common chat client for everyone to hop on. Preferably, something that doesn’t require people to download yet another new program to their PC and create a new account. I’m going to suggest Why? Because it’s free and EVERYONE here has a browser. You don’t need an account, and no one needs to download a new program. You simply enter your name (please try to make it match your PSN I.D.) and enter the captcha, and enter the channel you wish to join. The channel with be #NoHonorCrew. If for whatever reason, NHC isn’t available, I’ll update the original post in this thread for the official meet up. PSN chat simply does not cut it.
As minimal of lag as possible. If you live in a house with multiple people, if possible please reserve at least an hour of internet time to yourself. This way we don’t get any Netflix or YouTube type of interference. Also, if you haven’t already, DMZ’ing your PS3 will help a lot, and setting up a QoS (quality of service) rule for your PS3 on your router will also get you a better connection. If anyone needs help with this, let me know and I’ll try to help out as much as possible.
I’ll try to play again, but again, I probably won’t be able to get home until about 10:30 est. If for some reason I get home later and can’t make it I’ll still help you record matches when I do get in.
Do you work late every night? I don’t have the actual date picked out yet. Either way, I can make an exception like last time and postpone your match. Last time we didn’t get the tournament rolling until about 10:15 anyway.
Log into your router, assign a static IP to your PS3’s MAC address, usually found in the DHCP section, then put the IP in the DMZ, De-Militarized Zone. It allows your PS3 to connect properly to other players. QoS is Quality of Service, and what you do is input your bandwidth and then assign your PS3 to high priority so that other devices that are connected to the internet won’t interfere as much with the PS3 while playing online.
Yea, theres a bunch of my guys who are just waiting for me to give them the exact date so they can make sure they can do it. I keep telling them ill let them no when i no. Kela 420 was 1 of them but u already no hes in.