No Honor Crew GGPO ST December Tournament

No Honor Crew GGPO ST December Tournament
Time: 10 pm Eastern, 9 pm Central, 8 pm Mountain, 7 pm Pacific
Date: Between December 10th to the 15th

Tournament rules:

No Akuma
Winners and losers brackets are best 2 out of 3 rounds, best 2 out of 3 matches.
Semi-finals and Finals will be recorded and put on youtube.
Semi-finals (top 4) are best 2 out of 3 rounds, best 3 out of 5 matches.
Finals are best 2 out of 3 rounds, best 3 out of 5 matches, winner only needs 3 wins loser needs 6.

Tournament date will be posted no later than Friday during the week prior to the tournament. I’ll take entrant registration up to 10 minutes before the tournament starts.

Entrants so far:


my fucking stick has been dead for a month now :frowning:

So fix it. LOL, what’s wrong with it?

So fix it, Cause I’m sure he never thought of that.

I need a new JLF. Talked to a friend today who is going to lend me his extra custom he built so I should be good

Like I was being serious? Seriously… being oblivious to jest here, though I think you’re just looking for a reason to get in a hissy.

Anyway, are you down for the tournament? If not, please don’t bother posting in this thread.

What was wrong with your JLF? Anyway, glad you can make it on a loaner stick : ) Great news! If you could also sign up via FB it would help keep track of things.

My cat knocked the TE off of my desk and it fucked up two microswitches (landed right on the joystick). I’m broke so I need some money to buy new switches. In the meantime his custom will do just fine. We were roomies a few years ago so I’m accustomed to his stick. I’ll check work schedule and confirm when I’m sure I can participate!

Fuck I wish GGPO worked on my PC. Ah well, you can catch me on XBL.