I was thinking of organizing a tournament maybe a couple of weeks after the console release, it would be in my house Fords NJ 08863. I have 2 arcade sticks all with sanwa buttons & sanwa bat top joysticks. I would be doing it for the XBOX 360 version of the game, you can bring your own joysticks, pads, or whatever you play with. Cover $10 per person, includes drinks & snack food. Depending on how many people enter, the winner would get some cash to take home. For many, this is a chance to get a little closer to the arcade feel, playing strangers face to face.
Winnings will be dermined by the number of people who enter.
Depending on how this one goes i will be holding more every weekend. No doubt online play will have a huge impact on this being successful but it’s worth a shot.
yeah i live in long branch nj…i throw a decent one in march we get about 20 people or so i do it annually you gotta be able to trust people though…hats off id be there …but you really should have it like the week after the release date…then id def go keep us posted
Well that makes sence, i appreciate the feedback guys. I will wait a bit after the release to hold the tourney. So if anyone is interested shoot me an email: evil.paco.23@gmail.com