Nintendo DS wifi goes live/DS wifi discussion... (with ALL friend codes)

My friend code for Mario Kart DS is:


N64 veteran here.

edit: Anybody else having problems with internet connections the same time the DS is connected to WiFi? Because after I have my DS connected wirelessly, none of the other computers in my house can use the internet.

lol wtf??? no … that’s pretty shitty … I keep refreshing the wifi website while I’m connected so its all working for me …

Help me out guys. I have mario kart ds and i’ve connected my wireless router, but i can’t connect. The reason is probably i need a WEP key. So does anyone know where i can find this WEP key?


Yeah, same exact problem here. Oh well.
Let’s play sometime, my ID is 120318-580167.
Add me everyone and i’ll do the same!

Alright, I’ve updated the first page with the other codes, make sure you tell people when you are adding them so they can do the same. For the people that are having problems with the net when they connect, are you using the WEP key? Cause I’m not and it doesn’t seem to interfere. If you allow your router to accept the DS’s MAC address, you can connect that way… but I don’t know much about routers, so I don’t know if this affects anything.

(I still haven’t connected to anyone cause of the server problems Nintendo WFC was having :frowning: guess I’ll try this afternoon)

Pat the Great - BigdikPat 038714 190908

ok added VG Emblem, Pat The Great and gamingsage to friend’s list

feel free to add mine also … its in my sig.

Hey so are the “friends” capable of playing each other now?

From what I heard, only ‘friends’ mode was working. I just must’ve not been lucky, or had enough friends. Does anyone know if you can connect with a friend and his/her friends (that aren’t on your list, but on his/hers) in friends mode? I have to try again tonight or tomorrow, I’ll be busy playing DQ VIII.

Yes you can. I remember reading that in the instructions thinking “oh, well that’s good.”

Hey while you’re mentioning it, which should I get, DQ VIII or FF X

is Animal Cross Wifi? if so… that’s the coolest shit so far on the DS.

Yes. Although I’m not a fan of series, I’ll agree that it was a long time coming.

okay finally got it, my code is 339361 943622 - PingPong

will be adding all the ppl on the first post in a few min

Are you sure? I played regional and even world wide matches just fine yesterday from between 12 midnight-3am.
Ok, i added pat the great, X-pac and ping pong to my list.
So so far, i have 8 people on my friends list. You can only have 36, so that kinda bites.

I heard 60 …

what up pimps

haunts - haunts - 502570 729108 - Atlanta, GA

My code is SPARROW- 506865 632375 Can’t wait to lose to you guys!:tup:

EDIT: Damn I don’t know who to put in my list, I’m very active on there so I want to play someone who plays often as well.:pleased:

i’ll be putting up my aim in my profile so if any of you guys catch me on just IM and i should be able to race you for awhile

LongSh0t - Longsh0t - 021534 329153 - Coral Springs, FL

VG Emblem, I’m adding you to my friends list just to see your emblem:smokin: