Nintendo 3DS Friends Code Exchange

add me guys!! 4768-7443-1685

I use Guy :slight_smile:

Just played some guy called Hawthorne.
He left the game after losing the first round.
Moments later I played some other guy called kengo.
He left before even finishing the first round!

SSFIV3D online sure is classy.

New Here. Add Me! Just Got Nintendo 3DS On Launch Day.

Friend Code isā€¦

Eddie : 0860-3240-9637

I have most of all the launch games.

Messaging will come with an update.
But for now, you can tell if people are online when your 3DS blinks orange in the corner.

Sweet!!Friend codes

Sweet friend codes I will be adding all of you guys.My friend code is:15A9 9A3B DA1F 4A48.Thanks guys for the friend codes.My name is o0shane0o.

Sorry guys wrong code (I hate these friend code thing) the correct code is 261-2607-5518 o0shane0o -sorry guys

Missing a 4th digit in your first set of numbers there.

Thanks for the heads up I didint even notice,been super busy.My friend code is:2621 2607 5518.Sorry for the screw up Iā€™ll be adding everyone,plz add back

I want to to join the fight, just dont kick me in the nuts(that goes for the ladies)

East coast!

east coast

hit me up anytime

gonna add u and most of you close by asap, just remember to add me too

Added yall, posted my FC earlier in the thread.

Already added you. Forgot to say Iā€™m also east coast.

Is anyone else getting a squeak from their d-pad? Mine starting squeaking and now it kinda gets stuck a tiny bit when i push the right direction. Not sure if itā€™s ok to post this here but there isnā€™t another thread.

Just got mine today! Friend code is
Solsolido : 3050-7607-5131

Added pretty much all of you guys up there.

I havenā€™t had this problem but I noticed a demo unit having this problem when I tried it at a gamestop before it launched.

aww snap

yoo rove whats good? everyone add me 3ds friend code:2664-2108-9584

yoo rove whats good? everyone add me 3ds friend code:2664-2108-9584

everyone add me 3ds friend code:2664-2108-9584

yoo rove whats good? everyone add me 3ds friend code:2664-2108-9584