Night of the living bad games- BG4

BG’s to 2DF in general, damn man i was doing so good then all the sudden this tremendous lag just zipped outta no where. I was playing agaisnt some dude named Venom, pretty decent player but damnit lol…i was cut off from 60% of my normal tactics and i was surprised i won as much as I did.

BG’s to Metric, you have been playing like shit, step your game up. Pick a main already.

bgs to metric, u playing like shit!!! XD

Your main is Ken dude. But, mains are really online for offline

Very bad games to slimjim, Picasso, masterryu, jennycraig, lilmissrayofsunshine, <~.~HyPnOtIcPrInCeSs~.~>, Xena: Warrior,Princess, nerd, and AprilFools. Yes, all those usernames belong to 1 douche bag. Really shows what kind of a scrub he is. He’s the biggest liar when trying to have a decent conversation. Tries to be something he’s not. That’s so lame. Then he lags on purpose trying give me a handicap because he’s so desperate to beat me. WOW man. This guy sucks so bad I own him for free!!!

Hope to own you some more. Keep on trying. Can’t be at your best when the going gets rough. You’ve been put to the test, but it’s never enough. And ya still suck!!!

See ya 'round loser!

BGs on GGPO to Jamian. Everytime i won he would reset. I asked him why he kept reseting, his responce was that its faster and I could choose another char, but everytime he won a match he wouldnt reset (he won only 3 out of about 20 btw). I asked him if he could please stop resetting after I won, I dont mind keeping the same char…then he wins 1 round out of a match and drops saying that he was tired of me talking shit. Very sore loser IMO. :slight_smile:

lol, that’s the most funny stuff I heard mihashi-san. That dude was weird, I have no idea why he was doing this, but it’s funny.

Enough said about these threads. Also, lol to Brit-Brit for furiously arguing ‘about’ me and then using your own posts as “rage evidence” to proclaim something on GGPO. You failed miserably, Brit, and you don’t even go on enough for many to care. It’s not so much that you’re cocky, it’s that you can’t stand to go down losing in some argument over the internet which happens more than enough times to prove that not only do you dominate this thread with your rage over people you’ve never beaten but just the same, you demand that others agree with you so desperately that a few people consoling you with their nodding agreements does it for you. Similarly, these threads in general act as mere coping mechanisms when a person doesn’t have the balls to look like an idiot in public when confronting someone.

Wuziq, toMass, etc, still play me after having said all that they said in this thread, Brit. So. Let’s please use ‘recognition’ as another fallacious argumentative and rhetorical tool in your lacking repetoire. ( inb4 book’learnin / thesaurus / college wurd callout).

I respect everyone, surprisingly, even children that have access to the internet. I won’t give you the leisure of deserving my respect (and you can use the complaints of 4, maybe 5 people to justify that out of the 20 or 30 or so people I Play in a variety, their word counts) but I’ll tolerate your right to argue for the sake of arguing.

If it makes you feel better. I read these threads for laughs. Now, go observe my conversations and the like with others to somehow pinpoint some sort of evidence against me as you pull it out of context. Also, when you argue that someone pulls something out of context, don’t do it by pulling what they said out of context as well. It’s… just not right.

Last thing, you’re right. He did the exact same thing to someone on GGPO earlier this morning. Except his assault of fail was relentless so you had it easy I think. As far as Jamian goes. He’s just some strange 4chan kid who loves to post my AIM like it means something and argues with everyone until he finally wins an argument. (Which is usually just him failing and leaving with the last word or random acronymn).

Rage post. :woot:

That about sums up the majority here. Thank you for concluding and accepting that fact. Concise and to the point.

Not even playing him and started already to bitch me up in the room. His nickname is -_^ and this guy should learn to respect others!

Yo seconded on nytejade, all that dude does is shit-talk win or lose and he doesn’t understand jack shit about fighting games. If you want someone to beat up on, play him, otherwise stay the hell away. I wish I’d paid attention to Hamelkarl’s post for real now.

Speaking of Hamelkarl, when you gonna be on 2df again?

GGPO is working better these days so I’m on it a bit more. I also try to learn turbo and alpha 3. I am a bit sad that the new zangief in HD is so different. I just started playing him and when I go on the HD version everything is different :frowning: I seem to have more and more bad games to street fighter these days. Must be because it’s coming more popular again.

bgs to some random guy that I played on GGPO the other day who had the balls to tell me that doing the Hayate taunt after winning the match was disrespectful and like a slap in the face.

Who creates the sportsmanship rules for Street Fighter? I say GGs. Isn’t that enough? Apparently I need to treat all screen names with respect or something. rolls eyes

Oh ho ho…

he was right

Alright, maybe I didn’t elaborate far enough. The guy was horrible. Really bad Dudley player. I did the taunt ONCE. It’s an in-game function and if people don’t like it, then that’s kinda too bad. I don’t do it to be disrespectful, I do just because I can. It’s like saying hitting your opponent after the KO goes up is disrespectful. It’s not.

And maybe I should have mentioned the n00b rant he went on about how I should treat newer people with respect and not do that to them, since it makes them not want to play you if you do that. I didn’t say anything to the guy before hand. My point is, even japanese pros round taunt. Rikimaru did it to RX, but RX didn’t throw a bitch fit and then storm out of the game with sand in his vagina…

I’m really a nice guy, REALLY.

lol, he’s still right.

No he wasn’t.

Why would you taunt someone you just admitted sucks? Maybe shin and djred should just play each other. You 2 can practice the benefits of taunting.