Yoko Taro wants to make porn.
Of course, it seems someone has actually beaten him into making Nier porn in Japan.
Yoko Taro wants to make porn.
Of course, it seems someone has actually beaten him into making Nier porn in Japan.
He’s fucking around. He has a history of saying jokes.
I need to get that jav
Nier Automata Play Arts.
Seen it. It sucks.
NieR: Automata just won The Game Awards for Best Score/Music, wich is well deserved!
Yeah. It’s been a long time since I have truly enjoyed a game’s score.
Just got the A ending and moving on to the next playthrough.
Any tips for using 9S? Since he can’t dual wield, I’m been experimenting with switching weapons mid combo w/ various levels of success. He does’t seem to be very good with the heavy weapons I loved using with 2B. Right now, I’m messing with small swords in combination with combat bracers.
U just want to be hacking the tough enemies most of the time, including bosses.
The hacking of commons is pretty tedious. I’ll hack one or two to weaken the pack, but I only do a lot of hacking on larger enemies. So yea, seems like I’ve got a good handle on things.
Try hacking a machine that isn’t aware of you yet.
Just got the A ending and moving on to the next playthrough.
Any tips for using 9S? Since he can’t dual wield, I’m been experimenting with switching weapons mid combo w/ various levels of success. He does’t seem to be very good with the heavy weapons I loved using with 2B. Right now, I’m messing with small swords in combination with combat bracers.
Embrace it
Yeah if you can get a stealth hack you can actually use the machine and that adds a lot of variety
Yeah if you can get a stealth hack you can actually use the machine and that adds a lot of variety
I did that once, but couldn’t figure out how to do it again. Didn’t realize it was a stealth thing. Nice.
Something that’s not made obvious is you can actually do heavy attack chains with 9S. You can do this either delay for a bit after your first attack or do attack immediately after pressing evade.
Makes him a lot more enjoyable.
still need to get this game
On my second play through and walked into this pocket off the map
Is this just a dead end or is there more to it? 2 bots came out of it.
Also, any ideas to the last unfound secret that yoko said a few months ago? Ever since I read about it, I started to look at every area but decide to give that up to keep my sanity lol.
hmmm. i assume thats in the forest king location? most likely its nothing. theres alotta funky borders on that forest area. but feel free to find that unfound secret.
no thats desert right?
Its in the desert zone and the entrance shown next to it is the apartment zone. It gets into that storming effect and is a thin entrance/corridor that goes into a small area surrounded by rocky walls that can be jumped on a couple ledges on one side. Visibility is difficult so its hard to tell if there’s anything to access.
Square Enix is releasing the NieR Gestalt & Replicant and NieR: Automata Orchestral Arrangement Albums this September and we got a look at the cover art by PlatinumGames graphic designer, Kazuma Koda.
ニーア ゲシュタルト&レプリカントオーケストラアレンジ発売決定!! ゲーム、ニーア ゲシュタルト&レプリカント発売から8年。 シリーズ2作目となるニーア オートマタが発売され大ヒットを記録する中、 ファン待望のオーケストラアレンジアルバムが発売決定!! 本商品は、ニーア ゲシュタルト&レプリカントのオーケストラアレンジアルバムです。 岡部啓一氏監修の元、アレンジされた楽曲は、ニーアファン必聴の内容 ...
¥ 3,564
Amazon | NieR Gestalt & Replicant Orchestral Arrangement Album | ゲーム ミュージック | ゲーム | 音楽
ニーア オートマタオーケストラアレンジ発売決定!! ゲーム、ニーア ゲシュタルト&レプリカント発売から8年。 シリーズ2作目となるニーア オートマタが発売され大ヒットを記録する中、 ファン待望のオーケストラアレンジアルバムが発売決定!! 本商品は、ニーア オートマタのオーケストラアレンジアルバムです。 岡部啓一氏監修の元、アレンジ楽曲は、ニーアファン必聴の内容です。
¥ 3,564
Amazon | NieR:Automata Orchestral Arrangement Album | ゲーム ミュージック | ゲーム | 音楽
ニーア オーケストラアレンジアルバム豪華特装版発売!! ゲーム、ニーア ゲシュタルト&レプリカント発売から8年。シリーズ2作目となるニーア オートマタが発売され大ヒットを記録する中、ファン待望のオーケストラアレンジアルバムが発売決定!!本商品は、ニーア ゲシュタルト&レプリカントのオーケストラアレンジアルバム、ニーア オートマタのオーケストラアレンジアルバムに加え、本商品だけでしか聴けないスペシャ ...
¥ 8,640
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