Nice corner option for 100%'s (0 bars needed)

Thanx for the clarification…

I just meant taking them from something in the air down into the standard ground inf… that and unfly are about the best I do with IM apart from assist combo’s…

yea its weird cuz technically everything kinda is an Air To Ground. Its just that after the semi-infinite was discovered, it needed a name so we called it ATG. Cuz you stay in the air for hella long before you touch the ground lol

Thanos’s capture assist IS his bubble assist right? Haha anyway…I remember years ago Genghis, ShadyK, and some people that I’m probably forgetting made an advance tactics video where IM would wait for his opponents to tech his throws, then he’d guard break them. Would this not work with any of MadTitan’s setups?

Edit: Typo

off the unibeam setup? probably. still a bit funky to use. mainly because of the height that the opponent is at when you’re at super jump height.

would probably be easier still if you did a low height grab

This gb off a tech is something I worked out using hulk AA… I mentioned it a bit ago… and it DOES work great… and I’m sure works with other AA as well…

…but people were to busy ripping apart the notion of an air grab option (rightly so to a degree) to notice…hehe

I will say tho… that the gb just ends up in the ground inf… which you can transfer to from an air combo without trying to grab… its more reliable that going for the throw and/or the guardbreak in the event of a tech. So basiclly it does work… but is if anything harder to execute than the tried and true techniques… and doesn’t net you more dmg (given that the standard’s are generally 100% combos to begin with.)