Hello, I’d like to introduce a project I’ve been working on that aims to help organizers of multi-tournament events manage player matches more efficiently while interfacing with Challonge bracketing. The project is called NextUp - Tournament Automation & Organization. http://nextup.me
Key points:
[*]Call player matches via text message. - After entering in player information at NextUp, matches will be called to players by text message (where applicable). Each player receives a message naming the opponent, the location to play and the game they are to compete in.
[*]Receive match results via text message. - After players receive a called match via text message, they have the ability to reply with the player’s personal result. The system can automatically verify the results or await manual verification.
[*]Monitor virtual stations. - Virtual stations represent actual stations in your tournament where matches take place. Add a station and open it for matching to start the competition.
[*]Event player identification. - Adding a feature to Challonge; one player over multiple tournaments. If a player is current in a match, the player cannot be called for another match in another tournament (under the same Challonge account) until the first match is finished.
For more information, please see the about page. http://nextup.me/about.html
The service is currently free to use but I’ll also ask that tournament organizers interested in using the system please email me at info[at]nextup[dot]me before an event so that I can supervise the server as the tournament goes on and provide some technical support if necessary.