
So recently I’ve been having some problems with my Ryu and Akuma (this characters are the ones I use the most). I really don’t know what I do wrong when I use them. I tend to do random hadoken and hurricane kicks. I think that what I do wrong is that I always do the same combo ( 3LP and a crHK). I would really appreciate if someone could give some basic trends to follow, because I’ve taken a look at the strategies but don’t really understand them, so if someone could tell me which moves to stay away form and what to do I’ll sincerely appreciate it.
One last thing I tend to stay close to the enemy, so I’ll change my mains?

Thanks :slight_smile:

read the character forums

play 3s!

KS summed it up best! Dander, lol.

ryu = crouching meduim kick into hadouken.
Thats a good one for akuma too, but he has better options, though they get pretty advanced.

sweep is ok, but, certain characters at certain ranges can punish you if they block the sweep. And, if they block the crouching meduim kick into hadouken you’ll not only always be safe but you’ll do a little bit of “chip” damage. Its not much, but it helps. You can combo into the crouching meduim kick with links but thats advanced stuff you’ll want to worry about later.

You have much better range with meduim kick to hadouken as well. You don’t have to be right next to them like you do when you start with jabs.

don’t do random hadoukens, or random hurricane kicks. Some random hadoukens are ok as long as you don’t make it obvious when your going to do it, but decent players will always duck and uppercut you on random hurricane kicks. You need to combo into a hurricane kick, or do it when your certain they are moving forward and don’t have time to react.

If you know its going to land, like if your punishing a missed attack with a lot of recovery, crouching hard puch to light kick hurricane kick is really good damage, but unsafe if they block, so be sure its going to land.

Random meduim kick to hadouken is awesome though. If you miss, the hadouken won’t come out, so randomly doing the motion for the kick to hadouken is safe to just throw out there. People won’t be able to punish the random crouching meduim kick until you get into much higher levels of competition, and even then its still pretty safe.

best advice on here, serious