Long-time MVC2 player here and finally got a 360 last week week(new model, 4GB), and have been on X-box live a lot. Pretty damn cool for the most part, and even though my wireless net connection is the cheapest AT&T has, the netplay has functioned well :tup:
The rage-quitting though…WTF? Its not even the rage-quitting itself that kinda bothers me. You see when one pictures an RC its of some newb out there throwing a tantrum after getting pwned.
From my experience however, only the SKILLED players have been doing the RCing! So many times i’ve gone up against a player who has really tested me, i made a comeback, and just before i’m about the destroy him…disconnect message.
This one dude in particular had the name something like, “Bryan fear” and his Rogue was scary aggressive. Not a newb by any stretch. After about 7 awesome matches i held the lead but most of them were pretty close, on the 8th when i’m about to KO him, he RCs. Yeesh!
Also the strange lag. I thought maybe it was possibly the result of a slow connection on their end at first, but after playing for long enough there has been plenty of times lately when the lags starts & stops at times that seem kinda too convenient for the other player. The whole match will go fine but when i’m in the middle of pulling off decent combos or i’m having a great comeback, suddenly things start slowing down/skipping around and crap.
I’m really out of the loop on this kinda thing, i can only assume they have some device or technique they use, possibly the same thing that causes the RC-disconnect.
Anyone else notice this?
Other than that, X-Box live has been pretty cool. At first i was expecting nothing but High/God-tier whorage, all-day everyday, but its been a nice surprise to go up against plenty of skilled players who utilize a lot of the other characters too.
Anyone know someone by the name of ameilchan here? That X-Box live tag had a pretty beastly Thanos team.