New York, NY local players? AE 2012

I’m looking for some practice with people that live or could make it into manhattan. It’s tough for me to get much practice in because next level is so far from where I live(uptown). I’m aiming to get a lot better in AE, and its tough doing that facing the same 3 people all the time lol. If there are any meetups or casuals or tourneys, anything like that happening in the city, I would greatly appreciate that info.

I go to university in Manhattan and also have been looking for something closer. It’s definitely worth the trip though to go to Brooklyn and go to Next Level every once in awhile, but I’m also looking for something a bit closer to home.

Actually…I live in Uptown (Washington Heights) and I have 3 friends that actively play SF AE 2012 and UMvC3…I think it would be good to develop a scene up here or at least in Uptown in general for people that can’t really make it to Next Level as often or at all.

Grand Central is like 15 minutes from Astoria where we play, BREAK Bar and Billards. We’re playing this Wednesday (18th) 7pm-midnight. It’s free, come down!

I’m in the Spanish Harlem area myself, so I wouldn’t mind making the trip uptown. I think it would be great if we could get a scene going for us in Manhattan. I wouldn’t mind taking the trip to Astoria though lol. I know about 2 other people in my neighborhood that play seriously, and one of them takes trips to next level every once and a while, I just don’t have the time.

What about for under 21 players though? that’s a problem sadly :frowning:

I go to Columbia so I’m on the upper west side around 116th, but I’d definitely come down one of these days.

@Red Vega

we should definitely meet up one of these days. I’m looking to get with a scene

Same here guys :smiley:

Under 21 is fine for BREAK. You can still come and play, just won’t be able to drink alcohol. They have ping-pong, pool, fooseball, air hockey, etc. I think pool is free with order of food. Very likely we’ll do it next Wednesday as well. I’ll let you know about next BREAK or you can check for updates.

I think you just gained some new players :smiley:

I’m also right around Columbia University and play UMVC3, if anyone’s interested.

i am SUPER bad at marvel but i do want to get better. so if anyone wants to spar with me offline or online let me know. i am somewhat decent balrog main that alts sim and gat in AE

I live near Columbia, and I sometimes go to Next Level and the break meetups. There’s maybe like 6 or 7 of us that regularly meetup for sessions. If you’re in the area, PM me and I can let you know next time I hold a session.

This is super late, but I just saw your post about holding sessions. I’m around Columbia as well. When do you normally hold sessions? I’m mainly a Marvel player, do you guys play that at all?

Usually 2-3 times a month on weekends, but not necessarily near columbia, because we rotate. A few play marvel, but it’s mostly AE.

Recently we haven’t been holding sessions because of diablo, and we meet up at Next Level anyways

K, well just let me know when and where and I’ll see if I can pop by.

ey you guys still playing? I live in the bronx but I hang out in uptown NYC sometimes. I’m down for some offline matches

its hard to find a place =[ up here…

I live in manhattan too
I’m down to play whatever if you guys find a spot hit me up

There’s players in other parts of the country, even other parts of your own state, that would kill someone to live as close to Next Level as you do. It’s really not THAT bad.