I’m going to try to resurrect this so that the OP is regularly updated. Let me know if I’ve missed anyone that’s still actively bad on the old thread:
I’m pretty sure many people, including myself are tired of dealing with this BS for too long. Many of us are frustrated with scammers/ thieves/ users wasting others users’ time. The Wall of Shame is incorporated onto this forum so that we can find information on that one person and track them down so for refunds, let users be aware of thieves, and sellers be aware of users just wasting their time. That way if everything is posted on this thread, the users of SRK will know what to deal with if a situation would arise.
Here’s the general idea.
Scammers and Thieves should have their personal addresses posted up on the thread so that users can contact them.
It should be:
Name of Scammer
Contact Information
and how that person ripped the user off.
As for Time Wasters:
The user should be posted up for the type of infraction that they have done. Other than that, no personal information should be posted about them.
Official Scammers
stay away. (Please report if these people are trying to sell again)
MediumTurquoise = Regular Users
Purple = People outsisde SRK (ebay, etc)
Red = Mods that scam
Lazeeya- Owes money (over $4500!) [Returned and did some orders but still owes money]
Knubbe-sold broken PS3 as new
InfoSeeker- Joystick
khmerdroopy- Metal Panels
Loborine- Xbox 360, Hrap ex Bundle
Zal- Joystick
Chris_himself- Filed Paypal Refund after receiving Cthulhu boards and not returning items back to seller
Electric Trouble - Stole money from customers on Joystick controllers.
BucklemyShoe- Scammed $100 worth of PS2 Games
armad1ll0- Stole 2 dual shocks and $35, never refunded the customer
Mystic- Failed to ship goods, was also banned from "SRK Secret Santa"
Ohnoezz/Hi5ive-Scammed multiple users into transactions without sending anything at all and making people send as “gift” payments
Avidist-Scammed multiple users in purchasing arcade parts
esjihn-Did not ship out 40gb PS3
n00se-Did not ship out Joystick
La(Rence)-Took a good amount of money and did not ship out VLX.
ryu-bi- Failed to ship Kuroda/SBO DVDs
DJMatrix- Owes money ranging around $1000
anabolicfreak-Scammed people in buying Sticks.
OMGiTzChun- Several reports of not shipping items with procrastination on making good on his side even when pressed through outside means (Twitter, Twitch), people who have reported him have never confirmed that he’s made good. Was also arrested on credit card fraud charges in 2016 TWICE.
Nitewalker-Custom stick builder who has multiple orders pending from years ago.
Cagan-Scammed someone out of $65 on a stick, lied and told him that he was waiting for USPS to email him a tracking number when the service does not do that. Customer received refund from Paypal fraud department.
blklightning21-Never shipped orders in a “Going out of business sale” on replacement panels, including not shipping out giveaway prizes to yours truly for the same.
apple arcade-Never shipped orders on SBO DVDs, including to one of the admins of the site. If he shows up in any form elsewhere, even here, stay away.
MasterMasher8-Did not ship out Joystick for $150. Also was trading while not falling under the guidelines.
EBAY WARNING kbc2004 - Situations on PSN Cards
EBAY WARNING SaDo-Sold a destroyed and inoperable dreamcast.
The following people above are not permitted to sell/trade in this forum until they clean up their mess. Sell/Trade threads will be purged on sight.
Threads being accused of scamming, thievery, and bad selling/partnership will be updated to (WOS) instead of WTS/WTT
WOS will better indicate to the buyers that the thread in question has been mentioned/listed in the wall of shame, (WOS) will not be removed until the matter of transactions are fully completed with said buyers/sellers/trading partners.
**This will be in effect for now on. **