New to TRON

Hey guys, I’m new to Tron and wanted to know if anyone wanted to play some games/teach me how to play her? I run Tron/Frank/Dante and I absolutely love it. One hit and it’s dead char or level 5 frank. I’m not a newbie to the game but I’m not the greatest execution wise (pad player). Still have some trouble landing drill consistently (DAMN YOU REVERSE DRAGON PUNCH). I’m waiting for my capture card to come in and I’ll upload some vids if anyone would be willing to tell me what I’m doing wrong. Any tips are appreciated as well!

I play on PS3, add me: dialgforgsu.

PS - My Dante is terribad. Like he’s basically an assist. :frowning:

If I had PSN I would. :confused: Practice up and give us some stuff to look at. We got plenty of people here willing to give some wholesome advice.

ill play you but i cant promise be available all the time (college) i use tron/doom/vergil (i know i know) or Tron/Ironman/x23 (lolunblockablelevel3), i can do TOD combos but my neutral game is terribad


PSN ID = ScottFree__

I can help you and Alex_Lives with neutral game and stuff. I play Tron/Thor/Ghost Rider and Tron/Frank/Deadpool