**new to the forums; need CvS2 help!

i’ve run out of people to play in the cold, cold north!! :open_mouth: lol…

hey folks :slight_smile: as mentioned above, i’m new to the SRK forums. i’m seen people make mention of CvS2 tourneys that are worked periodically. if anybody has info on how i might get in on the action i’d love any tips! :slight_smile: i’m just really anxious to get back to revitalizing my game and meeting some folks to match up against.

i’m just not sure if this involves play over the interwebs nowadays; if so, what programs you’d need/where to get em from/etc. sadly, beyond console and arcades, i’m out of the loop :frowning: besides, competition out in minneapolis mn is awefully sparse; nobody really plays it much out here anymore! lend a fighting brother a hand if you have any advice!! :smiley:

check the tournament announcement threads.

and you ain’t north til you come up all the way to Canada haha.

check the regional threads. i’m sure there’s someone near you you can game with.

cool. thanks for the heads up guys :slight_smile: it’s just getting harder to find folk who still enjoy the old 2-d fighters. i’ll try to see if there’s some people up here in the minnesota area on the forums who get together for informal tourneys. can’t be the ONLY one :slight_smile: heh

It could be worse, you could be in Kentucky.

holy shit; i stand corrected :smiley: