New to Marvel..want Iron Fist on my team

I’m not exactly NEW to Marvel, but I am new to actually taking it seriously to the point I want to be good, and I want Iron Fist on my team…I was thinking Iron Fist/Dr Strange/Dormammu…is that a viable team?

Here’s a re-post of mine regarding Iron Fist/Strange synergy. Take it as you will.

Real Talk:

Iron Fist/Strange would be an amazing duo if Iron Fist didn’t suck so badly. This was actually one of my first Strange team’s back in the day (for about 2 weeks) and is one of my favorite theory Strange teams.

Think about it:

-Iron Fist and Strange are both in their optimal positions (Iron Fist on point, Strange on second).

-Iron Fist’s rising fang assist can be used for FoF extensions and can be used as a quick GTFO option (something that most wallbounce assists don’t provide, and something that Strange needs, plus since Strange has such a fast teleport he can confirm off of a successful hit)

-Strange is one of the best meter builders in the entire game, which is great for Iron Fist’s meter extensive combos.

-Strange in second means TAC combos/TAC infinite.

-Strange’s bolt’s assist is godlike for Iron Fist, probably one of the top 3 assists you could give him. When it hits, it puts the opponent in a slightly stunned state; which is great for Iron Fist since he has such a fast wavedash and can get easy confirms off of it from almost anywhere. Not to mention the fact that it doesn’t scale his combos heavily and it doesn’t cause a soft knockdown which is great for confirming into dragon touch+red chi for more damaging combos.

-Raw tag set-ups off of Impact Palm or Dragon Touch (since both Strange and Iron Fist have a special move that can crumple). Imagine doing a combo with Iron Fist into his Dragon Touch, then immediately tagging in Strange for the FoF loop with Iron Fist’s rising fang for extensions. Shit’s broken (if Iron Fist can get a hit ever).

-Pretty good DHC synergy. Pink lemonade+SoV=good shit. The DHC works both ways, and does great damage. It’s not easy to find a good super that can be DHC’ed into after SoV, that’s for sure. (aside from spiral swords, sphere flame, etc)

Problems with this duo:

Iron Fist sucks.


Such a cool duo with great synergy. These 2 characters benefit from each other so damn much (unlike a lot of Strange’s other duo’s where Strange is giving all the help and receiving none) and I have barely scratched the surface.

As for your last character, Vergil and Ammy would probably be your two best choices and I’d get rid of Dormammu.

Play the team like Iron Fist(rising fang)/Strange(bolts)/Vergil(rapid slash) or Iron Fist(rising fang)/Strange(bolts)/Ammy(cold star).

I just…can’t bring myself to use Vergil lol. I just can’t do it

sigh Iron Fist is really cool, but you have to be nose-to-nose to hit somebody. The character takes tons of skill, Patience, and discipline.

I hear ya. I’m in the same boat.

Use Ammy instead, she works wonders with both IF and Strange.

any other suggestions other than Ammy?

how about some Ghost Rider up in this team! (I actually know nothing, and am kidding…however if that actually works, then good guess by me. I’m not good at making teams =)

I say you should make a list of characters that you think that you would like to play and experiment them with iron fist for a bit.

Dr. Strange bolts seem like a good assist for Iron Fist, another similar assist would be Drones of course.
Another idea is trying to cover the areas of the screen that Iron Fist has trouble covering, like super jump height for example… Dante Jam Session seems like a good assist for him then to a lesser extent Doom missiles or Strider Vajra (although i’m not sure if iron fist can otg fast enough off of Vajra).

But overall just experiment with ideas, that’s the fun of marvel to me. I’m trying a casual Iron Fist team with Frank and Thor… just for fun.