New to Federal Way, WA area. Looking for UMVC3/ssf4ae/sfxt and other 2d players

Hi, I just moved to washington from a small town in Oregon. I am an online warrior because I only knew one person who was ever close to as good as I am (which I know im not that good lol).

UMVC3 online rank: 4th lord
SSF4ae online rank: 6k b rank gouken, roughly 1.1-1.7k player points (although sometimes I get real cool and knock it down to like 600 pp cuz Im just sloppy like that lol)
SFXT online rank: block stun is fucked in that game :stuck_out_tongue: but im down just didnt play it much.

My prefered game is UMvC3. I just moved up here and I dont really know anyone. I dont have net access and my arcade stick is a hori stick that likes to whore me out on my inputs sometimes. I am looking to find some people that play these games. I want to go to tournaments, I want to get on or start a tournament team, and I want to get better at these games than I currently am. I have a real passion for the 2d fighters i’ve been playing them for about 3 years now.

Anyways, if you live in or near Federal Way, WA, PLEASE respond to this! Lets game! Hit the tournaments, hit the lab! I dont know anyone so yeah. kind of a half n half looking for players/friends


im kinda new… im also looking for someone to practice with if you want to meet up.

If you head to GameBreakrz today in Auburn (15 minutes from Federal Way) there is a tournament and you can meet a ton of local people who play every game. It is also the spot of weeklies with the best Marvel players in the region. The tournament today is going from 3PM-Midnight.

In fact, here you go:

Tuesdays are the nights you want to go for Marvel and AE, tonight they are not doing either of those games, but are doing the anime/3D games there tonight. Welcome, just go to Gamebreakerz and Gameclucks events as the weekly’s

I’m still looking for players for casuals and leveling up our game, in the federal way area. I mainly play Marvel these days.