s. roundhouse -> EX MGB -> jab MGB -> towards + forward x fierce Jet Uppercut is one of Dudley’s better combos, but don’t super cancel at the end because (as i’m sure you know) damage from the super isn’t that good since you already have lots of hits beforehand. i’d only recommend super cancelling from an EX MGB combo if you’re about to toast them. multiple jab MGBs are always easier in the corner. if you’re midscreen, after an EX MGB, just do the safe thing: towards + forward x fierce Jet Uppercut or just do forward Ducking Uppercut or Ducking Straight. don’t bother too much with jab MGB if you’re midscreen because sometimes you will miss the finisher.
if you have a super handy and you parry someone’s move, if you’re not wanting to do an EX MGB combo, my suggestion is s. roundhouse -> strong Jet Uppercut xx Rocket Uppercut. does more damage than c. strong -> Rocket and has WAAAAAAY more stun. if you manage to land a j. fierce before that, then you’ll have reduced their life by some 45% or more and will have inflicted about 75% (or close) stun.
Ducking rushes are excellent for getting in close to throw or for baiting throw attempts. some players will get smart though and will punish you for them. like i saw Apoc vs. Daigo from last year’s EVO, Apoc did either a forward Ducking Rush or a short one, hoping to see Daigo’s Ken whiff a throw so he can s. roundhouse -> EX MGB him but Daigo just did c. strong right after and linked into Shippu. Apoc tricked me with that a few times the first time i played him.
another use for Ducking Rush is to “hit confirm” into a super. you can do this either from s. strong/c. strong or from s. roundhouse (my personal fave). sometimes if i go air-to-air and hit my opponent out with a jumping strong, i will land and dash (the regular dash) and do s. roundhouse -> roundhouse Ducking Rush xx super if they get hit. if not, then it’s mix-up time :badboy:. i’m guessing that if they do get hit, it’s because they were trying to either throw or poke.
as for punishing a blocked Shoto sweep, uhh, can’t help you there if it’s not point blank or close to point blank. you might try Duck xx super.
not sure about what you mean by blocked strings, but i sometimes do s. short, s. forward and wait to see if they hit so i can link into a super or if they don’t, it’s a way to bait a poke so you can parry and then punish. most people will poke you low after a blocked s. short, s. forward chain. you can also throw after they block that chain, btw. or do what Fujiwara likes to do. outprioritize whatever they’re gonna do with towards + forward -> Rocket Uppercut. i first saw him do this against Oji’s Yun in Coop 1. after a blocked s. forward, s. roundhouse chain (don’t go into the fierce), you can do either s. strong or c. strong and Duck to get in close or to super if it hits. just keep your Dudley going in and out of your opponent’s face to make them nervous.
turtle Kens are hard to deal with, yo. Ken’s far s. fierce owns Dudley. Lifetimeb0y has made a habit of hitting me with that thing and it’s a massive pain getting in. he learned that “trick” when he was in Japan playing with and against KO, KSK, even Daigo. you can try to jump with an early j. roundhouse. if it hits and you have a super, just super immediately. if it doesn’t connect, then at least you’re within c. short range. you can also just Duck to get in, but do be careful after. you might wanna block after Ducking.
as far as Alex goes, i’d do the same thing. he can do an early towards + fierce to anti-air and that’s even nastier as far as stun goes than Ken’s s. fierce.
i’ve never really had to deal with a runaway 12. so can’t help you there :lol:.
hope that helps a little!