New to Dudley

I started using Dudley recently, and I’m liking him a lot. He’s loads of fun to play as, seriously.

My game (I use SAI) mainly revolves on:

  • Poking with HP, f+HP, f+MK, cMP
  • taunt, f+HK into SAI or cLK*2 xx SAI on wakeups (i love it)
  • option select out of range HK into EX MGB (so that if I catch their pokes I combo the EX MGB, otherwise it doesn’t come out)
  • moderate use of chains, mostly: MK - HK - HP, cLK - cMP - cHP, LP - MP - MK hit confirm into super
  • swing back blow when i expect a throw (hit confirm into super)
  • very sparse use of EX cross counter (if I even take the risk, i want big reward)
  • cHP as antiair, mostly saf if parried, good priority
  • jHP air to air
  • i use the duck under as an alternate dash, or as a bait sometimes
  • if I land a cHK or an EX MGB, I usually go into LP MGB (a single one, I can’t get the timing for moltiple LP MGBs yet :(), then walk forward, f+MKxJet Uppercut (cancelled into super when in the corner, since midscreen sometimes the 3rd uppercut whiffs). I need to learn character specific juggles.
    in the corner, sometimes i go for a reset instead, then either f+HK into super, cLK *2 into super, throw or just block.
    -After a parry, I go into HK -> EX MBG or cMP xx SAI

Now… am I missing something?
Should I remove something?

Now for the questions:

  • how to (can I even?) punish a blocket shoto sweep? No problem if I’m close, but from I certain range nothing seemingly hits them (don’t tell me to switch to SAII/III)
  • does Dud have nice block strings? Or should I just rely on his chains?
  • how to catch runaway twelve (seriously… there’s a twelve players who runs away pretty well. He’s not very solid and I still win most of the times, but it’s extremely annoying…)
  • how to deal with turtle Ken, and turtle Alex?



s. roundhouse -> EX MGB -> jab MGB -> towards + forward x fierce Jet Uppercut is one of Dudley’s better combos, but don’t super cancel at the end because (as i’m sure you know) damage from the super isn’t that good since you already have lots of hits beforehand. i’d only recommend super cancelling from an EX MGB combo if you’re about to toast them. multiple jab MGBs are always easier in the corner. if you’re midscreen, after an EX MGB, just do the safe thing: towards + forward x fierce Jet Uppercut or just do forward Ducking Uppercut or Ducking Straight. don’t bother too much with jab MGB if you’re midscreen because sometimes you will miss the finisher.

if you have a super handy and you parry someone’s move, if you’re not wanting to do an EX MGB combo, my suggestion is s. roundhouse -> strong Jet Uppercut xx Rocket Uppercut. does more damage than c. strong -> Rocket and has WAAAAAAY more stun. if you manage to land a j. fierce before that, then you’ll have reduced their life by some 45% or more and will have inflicted about 75% (or close) stun.

Ducking rushes are excellent for getting in close to throw or for baiting throw attempts. some players will get smart though and will punish you for them. like i saw Apoc vs. Daigo from last year’s EVO, Apoc did either a forward Ducking Rush or a short one, hoping to see Daigo’s Ken whiff a throw so he can s. roundhouse -> EX MGB him but Daigo just did c. strong right after and linked into Shippu. Apoc tricked me with that a few times the first time i played him.

another use for Ducking Rush is to “hit confirm” into a super. you can do this either from s. strong/c. strong or from s. roundhouse (my personal fave). sometimes if i go air-to-air and hit my opponent out with a jumping strong, i will land and dash (the regular dash) and do s. roundhouse -> roundhouse Ducking Rush xx super if they get hit. if not, then it’s mix-up time :badboy:. i’m guessing that if they do get hit, it’s because they were trying to either throw or poke.

as for punishing a blocked Shoto sweep, uhh, can’t help you there if it’s not point blank or close to point blank. you might try Duck xx super.

not sure about what you mean by blocked strings, but i sometimes do s. short, s. forward and wait to see if they hit so i can link into a super or if they don’t, it’s a way to bait a poke so you can parry and then punish. most people will poke you low after a blocked s. short, s. forward chain. you can also throw after they block that chain, btw. or do what Fujiwara likes to do. outprioritize whatever they’re gonna do with towards + forward -> Rocket Uppercut. i first saw him do this against Oji’s Yun in Coop 1. after a blocked s. forward, s. roundhouse chain (don’t go into the fierce), you can do either s. strong or c. strong and Duck to get in close or to super if it hits. just keep your Dudley going in and out of your opponent’s face to make them nervous.

turtle Kens are hard to deal with, yo. Ken’s far s. fierce owns Dudley. Lifetimeb0y has made a habit of hitting me with that thing and it’s a massive pain getting in. he learned that “trick” when he was in Japan playing with and against KO, KSK, even Daigo. you can try to jump with an early j. roundhouse. if it hits and you have a super, just super immediately. if it doesn’t connect, then at least you’re within c. short range. you can also just Duck to get in, but do be careful after. you might wanna block after Ducking.

as far as Alex goes, i’d do the same thing. he can do an early towards + fierce to anti-air and that’s even nastier as far as stun goes than Ken’s s. fierce.

i’ve never really had to deal with a runaway 12. so can’t help you there :lol:.

hope that helps a little!

now I’ll try to remember all that stuff and start incorporating it in my game.

thanks :wink:

Might as well ask here. Is Corkscrew a good super? That’s the one I’ve been using the most because of availability (3 stocks) and utility. Got any B and B’s for it? Or, if it’s not that great of a super, what are your other recommendations?

Corkscrew is good too. I use it against Yun and Akuma/other damage bitches.

I have tested the max range Shoto sweep with every character in the game. Here are my results:

Yang (EX Mantis and his SAII are too random when sweep is MAX range…even on reversal)

Alex (charge)
Chun Li
Urien (charge)

Dudley (HCF+Forward xx Strong/Fierce SAI/II or just plain ol SAII)
Elena (Brave Dance)
Ibuki (strong SAIII)
Necro (SAIII)
Sean (SAI/III)
Yun (SAII…that’s it…lunge punch doesn’t reach)
Alex (EX Elbow)
Chun Li (SAII)
Urien (EX Tackle/SAI)

Yeah I was gonna post you can punish shoto sweeps with sa3. I didn’t read that part of your post at the beginning.

technically, you can also punish Shoto sweeps with Rocket Uppercut (but only up to a certain distance—heck, it can also reverse Shoto c. forwards) since it has the same start up time as Corkscrew Blow (+2). if anything though, i wouldn’t bother busting Corkscrew if the Shoto sweep were either close to or at max range because the most important hit of the super (the 1st) will probably whiff which will in turn deal crappy damage. if they’re like, down to nothing, then by all means, kill’em :lol:. if that’s a reiteration of a previous post, my bad :wgrin:.


Oh yeah btw, it’s pretty common knowledge, but the strength of the button used for Corkscrew determines how far he will move when doing it.

The main reason Dudley has this option with the Corkscrew is for safety (fierce leaves you most unsafe at point blank range if blocked), but if you know you will hit, you should always do the fierce version because it will get all 5 hits from the farthest distance (but obviously it still has a limit, such as the max range Shoto sweep, where it will not connect, or maybe connect once or something).

Also, I remember because fierce Corkscrew goes out the farthest and fastest, Apoc said it’s the only version which can’t be parried on reaction after the super flash. So use it if you wanna chip the guy.

Finally, s. fierce can’t combo into his SAI/III, but it CAN combo into SAII (Rolling Thunder). This makes this super very good for a zoning Dudley, and for characters like Chun Li, Hugo, or Urien who have very good pokes (back+fierce, s. strong, and c. forward respectively), you can make them whiff, punish with a s. fierce and cancel into Rolling Thunder.


pretty soon you’ll see Rolling Thunder Dudleys all over the place. weird though, 'cuz when i first used Dudley (and didn’t really know what i was doing), i can recall cancelling s. fierce into Corkscrew. reason it happened is because i was so used to the Shotos, so when i stunned a CPU opponent, i did a jump in fierce -> s. fierce -> super. and what do you know? it all hit :wgrin:. oh, and btw, i saw a match between 178’s Dudley and a Chun player named Takami (i think) and when Chun did that wall jump she does, 178 hit her with a s. fierce cancelled into Rocket Uppercut. the super whiffed, but it was a pretty good idea.


It’s just something about this combo that makes me love Dudley. I think I started working on getting it right when I saw this one vid where a Dudley player dizzied this Akuma player in no time just by using j.Fierce, st.RHxxFP.JetUppper. The combo looks it best when it’s finished with Rocket Uppercut.

Also, I don’t fully understand the awesome power that is toward forwardsxxRocketUppercut.

twds + forward -> Rocket Uppercut is great because it’s a link, it’s relatively fast, and cannot be punished if blocked. link? well, basic thing to remember is that moves that are link-able are hit confirm moves. you can actually wait to see if it hits before you do anything. Dudley has a ton of these things.

btw, ZERO Shift, that combo is best when you use STRONG Jet to super cancel into Rocket. FIERCE Jet has 2 hits, so it’ll do more reduction as opposed to the STRONG version which only has 1 hit.


Whaaa? hehe…typo maybe?

Oh yeah about s. fierce xx SAII…I tested this and IIRC u can’t combo s. fierce into his SAI or III. I’m gonna go test this out right now to double check.


I was smoking crack…I really shouldn’t trust my memory lol…it doesn’t work.

Because I made this mistake I feel compelled to share some actual useful shit u can use in a match.

-c. short, c. short puts u in perfect distance to do UOH, link SAI/II/III. This link combo works on standing and crouching opponents

-s. rh xx HCF+Short once again puts u in perfect range to do UOH, link SAI/II/III. Once again, works on standing and crouching opponents.


twds + forward has a blocked advantage of +2. now unless a 0 frame start up move is what’s able to nail Dudley after a blocked twds + forward, i think it’s pretty safe, yeah? most supers have a start up of 2 frames or higher. now for that to connect, i’d say twds + forward would have to have a blocked “advantage” of -2 for a 2 frame start super to hit. if i’m not making any sense, sorry :wgrin:.


p.s. but it is a link, hehe. :karate:

srry im retarded…i thought u meant >+forward xx uppercut is safe. hehe. yeah i knew the >+forward is safe…taht move is ownage…i use it a lot in conjunction with some other moves.

Watch out for ken.He can juggle you after a throw with his super.Which i find is very unfair.Its his SaII so watch out when a ken player has his super and trys to throw you. :tdown:

you have no dignity

newb here…a bit late to pick up 3rd strike?? ya…i know it…popularity is picking up where i live cuz of ps2 release…anyway…

heres what I would like to know for now…

  1. whats standard follow up after landing c.roundhouse midscreen?? in corner??
    I do torward+fierce to rocket upper…doesnt always connect right though

  2. whats standard follow up after ex mgb from midscreen?? in corner??

i’d prefer a reply that mixes decent dmg with relative ease…since i really only get to play in vs. mode against other people…

  1. im hearing that his s.roundhouse, sway punch move special, and his ducking straight and uppercut can all link to his supers…do you have to be in close for these to work?? cuz i notice they go back pretty far when u hit em with these moves…especially the swaying punch special (hcb+k)

  2. s.roundhouse xx jetuppercut xx rocketupper works??

  3. whats the correct way to go from blocking to parrying during a string…even when i know the pacing of a string like hurricane kicks or urien’s running tackle super…i dont always parry when i swear im pressing it at the right time…do u just rub from holding back to forward position…or should you make sure to rest at neutral at some point…or does it matter?? does it matter?? i might just be fucking up…

also…why are the parrys sometimes red…does that mean im cool or something :confused:

a response to any or all questions is cool…

dudley ownz


  1. midscreen - c. roundhouse -> forward Ducking Uppercut is the “standard”. however, you can subsitute Ducking Straight instead of the Uppercut. i find that if you want to super cancel into say, Rocket Uppercut after a c. roundhouse midscreen, Ducking Straight is the more dependable special. regarding the corner, the characters are split into 2 groups. i’ll call group A the standard characters and group B the sweepables. against the standard characters, i.e., the Shotos, the usual you’ll see (and hands down the easiest corner juggle after a c. roundhouse) is c. roundhouse -> jab MGB -> short Short Swing Blow. another juggle seen regularly is c. roundhouse -> jab MGB -> twds + forward xx fierce Jet Uppercut.

against group B, the sweepables, a c. roundhouse usually means 4 more :lol:. you can alternate between c. roundhouse and jab MGBs to make it look nice or just 'cuz it’s easier on some.

e.g. in Shirube2, Kokujin did this against AFM’s Chun-Li:

c. roundhouse x 3 -> jab MGB -> short SSB

reason it was just 3 c. roundhouses is 'cuz he initiated the juggle with s. roundhouse -> EX MGB.

now say, against Makoto, i do this juggle:

c. roundhouse -> jab MGB -> c. roundhouse -> jab MGB -> c. roundhouse -> forward Ducking Uppercut

feel free to experiment. just remember that you can only juggle up to 6 times.

  1. after an EX MGB, it’s usually the same as a c. roundhouse juggle.

e.g. against Ken, you would do this:

s. roundhouse -> EX MGB -> jab MGB -> short SSB or
s. roundhouse -> EX MGB -> jab MGB -> twds + forward xx fierce Jet Uppercut

you can do more than 1 jab MGB, but that’s a tad more difficult.

against say, Makoto, you can do this:

s. roundhouse -> EX MGB -> jab MGB -> c. roundhouse -> jab MGB -> c. roundhouse -> forward Ducking Uppercut

  1. Ducking Uppercut/Ducking Straight do not link into supers–they cancel. s. roundhouse can both cancel and link into Corkscrew Blow (though damage is meh if you link into it) and Rolling Thunder (which is never used in high level play). Short Swing Blow (SSB) can link into Corkscrew, but it’s just as easy to super cancel from it. you can super cancel SSB into all 3 of Dudley’s super arts.

  2. s. roundhouse -> fierce Jet Uppercut xx Rocket Uppercut works, yes. but use strong Jet Uppercut instead of fierce for less damage reduction.

  3. don’t really know how to answer that :lol:.

  4. red parrying occurs when you parry a move coming off of a blocking position. it’s very useful when people start abusing certain moves or chains.

e.g. Ryu does c. forward -> Hadouken all day. block c. forward, then release the block and go into neutral and immediately tap towards to parry the Hadouken. if done correctly, you’ll flash red :clap:.

yes, Dudley “ownz”.

hope that clarifies a few things!


newb in training

ooooo…thanx for the reply…so organized and thorough :clap: this is gonna be fun to practice…this game alone is gonna make me buy a ps2…hope people are still playing…

[quote=kal el]

  1. red parrying occurs when you parry a move coming off of a blocking position. it’s very useful when people start abusing certain moves or chains.

e.g. Ryu does c. forward -> Hadouken all day. block c. forward, then release the block and go into neutral and immediately tap towards to parry the Hadouken. if done correctly, you’ll flash red :clap:.


you answered my 5th question here…nowz i just need to practice…

i’ll try to contribute something when i get a bit better…i dont like seeing empty threads :razzy: …plus readin this shit gives me somethin to do when im bored…

btw…how do you do a kara throw…and wtf is a “meaty”…im seein that term around here a bit…

Thats to answer your meaty question.

And a kara throw is cancelling a move that moves forward into a throw causing your throw to get some increased range. An example would be, cancelling Akuma’s f.strong into a throw. I dont know if Dudley has a good one. Someone else could probably help shed some light on that.