I was introduced to Street Fighter in June when I got Alpha Anthology for the PS2. I’ve been practicing in SFA3 since then, with Rolento as my main character, and have gotten quite good at him.
Recently, I got CvS2, and fired up Rolento as usual. While the character wasn’t so different, I discovered to my surprise that my SFA3 tactics didn’t work at all against the CvS2 AI. What I do usually is scout jump, pogo stick in midair, then attack low, then do a patriot circle as an opening. Then I continue pressuring the opponent with high/low attacks.
Anyway, this post is not meant to be entirely about Rolento. Do you guys have any tips for a guy coming from SFA3? Should I be practicing a different character?
Well, CVS2 is a team game. Competition is almost exclusively Ratio Mode, as that is all the arcade supports. So you will want to pick up at least 2 other characters.
Were you using Variable Combos in A3? If so, you may want to try your hand at A groove and learn some of it’s best character’s: Blanka, Sakura, Bison, Vega.
If you are more comfortable with the Classic Alpha style, use C groove, and try to pick up guys like Sagat, Blanka, Cammy, Guile, Chun-Li, E.Honda.
You should also take some time, once you’ve gotten used to the way the game plays and try out K groove. Most people find one of these 3 grooves and use it exclusively. So play around with stuff and find out what is comfortable.
Yeah, stay away from S-groove, unless you really get bored with this game or are ridiculously good or something. You could pick up P or N, I run N myself and love it, but most people stick with the big 3: C, A, K.