Dhalsim does as has an advantage against Bison and loses against Honda? News to me…
why not? he has a lot of bad/unfavorable matches like half the cast
chun, fei, honda, vega, blanka, sim, sagat, guile and i think theres a few more.
i personally think cammy is the weakest, but not by much.
Yeah you are probably right all of this seems like theory with no tourney information being collected from various top players. HD Remix isnt completely ST, and the changes made to different character movesets alters gameplay alot. The changes have made fei v. blanka, an advantageous match for fei just because he has a further reach on his rekka kens which allows him to hit blanka with them after blocking a beast roll. They are trying to feed people, the “HD Remix is just another rendition of ST therefore the tier list is almost same”. My final verdict on this is, not enough data has been collected for HD Remix to create a tier list in the first place.
I’m not that qualified to really judge matchups, but this listing does appear to be a joke… I’m starting to wonder why I even read eventhubs… but it is a good “quick dip” newsource at least.
Maybe this is just a strawman tier listing to get the ball rolling, but if that’s the idea then they ought to admit that up front. I cannot believe much if any research went into this. Brouki ought to be mainly 8’s and 9’s across the board for a start, but really, why bother putting broken banned characters on a proper tier list anyway.
Mistakes I see from the outset:
-Akuma v. Balrog is more like a 9-1, where they got 6-4 I don’t know
-Cammy v. Balrog is not +2 for 'Rog, its the other way around!
-Cammy is not 'Sim’s worst matchup, that belongs to Vega or Chun-Li
-How is Cammy even against Guile? Real Cammy players know how hard this match is
-Ryu v. Honda seems too high for Honda. The zoning Choi did against EA shows this
-T.Hawk should be higher, his great reach and strength support this. And his 360 is insane
This is just from a quick glance. Awful list.
Ranking history ! who ever made that list was probably smoking something
Ya dude, and I want some! :wgrin:
They have ken and ryu 6 against honda, if anything they are both 8 against him, you can argue which if not both are possibly 9, but shoto’s tend to rape honda, at least that’s what the honda’s said in the tier thread. Either thelo or EA, I think thought ken was worse matchup for honda than ryu.
Regardless, 6-4? Jab headbutt must be broken then :lol:
Seems weird that Fei moved DOWN since Super Turbo considering his massive new tool vs. fireballs and better rekkas. The fact that they said Vega and Bison are both 6-4 with him is just weird. Vega is an almost impossible matchup, while Bison has no answer for Fei’s corner lockdown.
Zangief doesn’t have an advantage over Ken. Ken beats him 7-3 or worse.
That’s what I’ve been saying. I don’t think Zangief has an advantage over Ryu either. What do you think of Ryu vs Zangief? IMO Both Ryu and Ken have a slight advantage over Zangief, maybe 6-4.
6-4 for Ryu. Ken’s dp is better in that fight, plus he has some other combos that can knock gief out in 1 shot.
Ken’s Shoryukens are better, esp the Fierce to catch Lariats that are closer than mid screen. But Ryu has better options vs a knocked down Zangief. His j.Strong is guaranteed vs wakeup Lariats. Ryu doesn’t even have to safejump, which he can follow up with block strings, overheads, tick throws, etc. Ken’s jumpins are also good, but they’re not completely safe.
I like Ken’s ambiguous crossup dizzy combo on a downed gief better than any of Ryu’s options.
Which combo is that?
jump medium kick > crouching strong > two-hit crazy kick > sweep
Maybe this one :
Edit: damdai beat me to it.
Does Zangief have any advantage matchups against anyone other than boxer?
No bro, IMO, you’re wrong, the best strategy against gief is stay the hell out of his way!, with any character, don’t try to safe jump on him or even cross him up, and Ken is faster than ryu, so, that’s piece of cake for him.
Besides I think ken has a better matchup agains’t gief than ryu, he’s faster than ryu and his Strong Dragon Punch or Medium Shoryuken ken easily beats the Gief’s Lariat, because the medium dragon punch is invulnerable on the way up.
in a few words.
- Keep your distance from the russian guy, one point for ken
- Zone him with Fireballs and traps, one point for ryu
- Beat Lariats, jumps and that gief’s deadly low roundhouse, another point for ken.
Wow, I do the exact opposite of what you’ve just described. I pretty much methodically try to rush down Gief and get him in a corner. After that, each time I knock him down I throw a slow, meaty fireball and walk up throw after a block or walking DP if I know he’s going to counter. However, keeping an initial distance of a half screen away is crucial. After that, it’s just a waiting game for Gief to come close and to either sweep or DP to push him into a corner. Plus, meaty fireballs push him further back.
Oh, but whatever you do, keep out of SPD range. One reversal and you’re pretty much done - ask evoanon.