New Super Turbo Website Launch: Grand Master Challenge.COM

afro is a class act. props to that guy.

from across the water we have Prof.Jones being interviewed by GMC

NIce interviews dojo!

Keep those awesome interviews coming man!

daaamn man, this guest list is STACKED

well theres a small local UK gathering of ST players this weekend “JPJ: ThunderKick”. So i’ll be getting some more UK interviews (I guess because I’m UK based i’ve tried to get more international players).
Obviouslly I try getting hold of Ryan when he gets back from EVO.
Until then look out for a few more interviews and if anyone can help with events information please do, as a lot of the older events have fallen of the internet. BattleBay events (pre-evo) especially.

been a while with things going on over here… anyways sorry for the delay.
uploaded 3 interviews today:
NKI (USA/Japan)
Wolmar (France)
Fulan (Holland)
Hope you enjoy… still have interviews coming in weekly.
Dont forget news posted regular and please let me know of news or events in your area ST related :slight_smile:

I see that you have added graphics from my site ( here in your “video matchups & combos section”:

Are you just going to copy my site’s content (images and links) and replicate it on your site? Why not just link to my site?

Sorry no… if your talking about the chun-li image, I have removed it, sorry it was an old image I used to test what size graphic I want to put in that section, as you can see the section is nowhere near finished and was some old code which needed removing ( I have no removed it). Sorry for any inconvience caused.

I think your site is great and all the hard work you have put into it is a credit to the community, also one of the reason why I havent spent much time on this part of the site is due to your site being a great source for people to visit and people could easily get all the videos info from there.

However if you would like me to add a link to your site then please let me know and send a banner over at 260x30.

I appreciate your response and concern. Thank you.

No damage done, I was just worried that you would copy & paste my site into your site.

I’ll cover these two points together.

I am a proponent of both supporting the online community sites and in helping users navigate and harness the available resources.

I have nothing against banner links, but I generally don’t feel they are well suited toward precise navigation of the user. Instead (or “in addition” should I add a banner link section), I like to provide links or list sources directly within the specific content as it’s relevant.

That way a user can be steered directly to the resource from the relevant section from your page: they will be taken directly to the information they are looking for, and you will earn their trust as a refined navigation source that can find them exactly what they need. They don’t need to be sent to to find Ryu videos, they can instead be sent to And if you are providing them with information on Ryu vs. Claw, you can send them directly to

I don’t have the videos housed on my site, I link to the youtube videos that posters have put up (with either link or embed). The idea is that this will send traffic to them and hopefully this will encourage the posters to continue putting up the good resources. Even in cases that I had to up/re-up a vid to my youtube channel to get it on youtube, I would list links and credit to give the original source traffic/credit.

For my “top players” section, I list the source (“super nohoho fighter ii x”) and the link goes directly to the section in his site I pulled it from: (NOTE: I would have used his domain name as the source, but his domain name isn’t his site name. So I emailed him and asked which he would prefer and he went with the site name)

For my character matchup ranking data, I use the Arcadia Magazine Chart that nohoho has and references in his site. So I just make a link to it on each character page (you can see it here: look in the column on the right). (NOTE: This is actually NOT my first choice, which would be to list it there AND to hotlink each of the “Matchup Difficulty Level: 4/10” entries. However, I have to go in and change each link by hand and so I did the first part to at least give reference and the second is on my to-do list)

If I add an interview section, I can simply link to your interviews rather than actually copying them into my site.

And I suggest you have it set up to open a new window when linking to the dojo or other sites. That way they won’t lose their place on your site, and they will return to your site to continue their research.

thanks for the info… when it comes to the video section I will take all these points onboard. Though not sure when I’ll get round to this section.

Currently have interviews, games, translations and tournament and events pages to be working on, so theres a lot of work before the huge task of videos and how to display etc… also we have a UK Tournament planned for next year so thats also being worked on.

Busy busy… thanks for the help though :slight_smile: