As for Cammy’s and Fei’s command for those moves, it is either ← or , then ↓:arrow_lower_right:, then the button - not at the same time you reach that last direction.
I don’t mind more websites for ST. There are more than enough websites for introducing people to Linux, and I don’t think any new one would hurt the OS, for instance.
yeah I’ve never changed it… tbh as I live in the UK I dont tend to use SRK forums to much. Most US players I know I either use MSN,FB or EMail to chat with them. Sorry if it sounded as I was trying to hide anything, I just copied the tag in the preset title.
You fixed the “original version” picture in the Dhalsim section, but the Remix flame, blast, and super motions are still wrong. (Priorities.)
Cammy’s super motion (both original and Remix) is two quarter-circles, not two half-circles.
Let’s have a look at Chun-Li… the charge icon image is busted for the kikouken, the SBK, and the aerial SBK. Also, you can do the Hyper Fighting-style “SBK in place in mid-air” by doing
:k: (this is a side effect of being able to SBK after a toe tap – there are others, but this is the simplest one).
On Honda’s page, the ochio throw motion is wrong (although what you have there will work). Also, I would note that the Remix jab headbutt does not cancel multi-hit projectiles.
I don’t agree with Damdai that “Outcomes rely entirely on the players skills” – that’s patently false. Character tiers are hugely significant, the results of hundreds (thousands?) of ST majors don’t lie.
I do 100% agree with him about MvC and SF4 being twitchy guessing games, though. That’s just not debatable. If you’re good at foisting ambiguity porn upon your opponent, then you can go very far in those games.
yeah the interviews are to give us players a little more insight into the players and there thoughts… we spend hours watching there games etc and for a lot of us we will never meet some of these players. I know the biggest hate question is “Remix” but it needed to go in there haha.
Glad your enjoying them… however ill be running out shortly so I’ll need to get some more sorted or spend some time correcting content and finishing of a few features.
Yeah I completely agree with you on this one. No matter how far I have come along with Blanka, or even Komoda or AFO for that matter, pit them against an above average rog or a “thelo-like” E. Honda and you will see that skill can only take you so far and match-ups start to play a big role.
BTW the question asked to DAMDAI about the ST USA community has a Sweden answer??? doesn’t make sense I think you input something wrong
I remember stumbling across your site monthsss ago! I was trying to find Geo’s blog that had the same name. “This layout is sweet! But there’s nothing here.” I closed the tab and never expecetd to see anything about it ever again, hahaha.
hi… thanks for the feedback guys, yeah the site has been online for a few months as wanted to get a few ideas and designs corrected.
UK Players. Our good friend JPJ runs regular Thunderkick tournaments and most of the uk players attend this. As this is 10 mins from my house I will be there at the end of the month and hopefully give a few UK interviews to the site. Being a UK site also I wanted to get some international exposure hence why I used Euro/US interviews first.
Thanks for the feedback guys… so the hard work is appreciated