New Street Fighter movie

try not to laugh…

Its automatically better than the box office release movies.

Did you guys see that Street Fighter: College Years clip recently released? It was jokes, Dhalsim’s dancing at the end especially cracked me up.

Yeah, the Dhalsim guy was fucking awesome.

Ken flowcharted Ryu’s ass, he just had to use hp/da fire shoryuken, why not jab shoryuken?

That’s what ryu gets for spamming hados. :rofl:

Better than just mapping all of your buttons to hp and just saying fuck it… SHORYUKEN!!!

I agree with Coth. In fact, pretty much anything is better than than SF movies and the Alpha storyline.

FG storyline sucks, any game.

Well I read somewhere, that he hoped he could do more little rival fights like this one if he got the chance.

I thought the original manga street fighter movie was good, the fighr between sagat and ryu at the beginning was good to watch

I enjoyed all the SF anime features. And this is coming from someone who was never an anime fan.

AHEM [media=youtube]6uZWArSOmCc[/media] @ 1:20

I believe Mr. Masters has some words for you sir.