New/old/returning skrull player in need of help

Hey y’all. So, first off, I’m gonna start with this. I suck at Marvel. My execution isn’t awful, but not great. I know 0 set ups, and a few combos. I fell in love with skrull at launch and I want to finally be good with him in ultimate. I’m not asking for everyone to teach me what to do, but I just need some help. I went to the combos thread, learned some combos, relaunches, etc. Any set ups to help me hit people would be nice lol, anything like that. I really love this character and I hope your love for the character will allow you to help me :smiley:

P.S. DJ Huoshen, your skrull is too good, I was cheering for you every second during the curleh mustache and Season’s Beatings.

I’d recommend the Brady guide…it has a lot of good information. There’s also my channel,, which has some Skrull-specific stuff, mainly the Resets & Shenanigans series, and Skrull Invasion.