NEW NEW TN thread: Mr. Victor Font approved

@Kinetik - Guilty Gear is indeed awesome and I have a lot of good memories related to that game. However, nowadays I just don’t have any desire to play it.

Lord Jas: I can hum the theme song to Trojan by memory…I remember it very well :wink:

I think there are some exceptions, Patrick came from the Smash community I believe…so skill is really just on how hard you work and natural abilities…

EVERY community has their players that people try to avoid…there are creepers and snobs and idiots in EVERY community; but it just so happens that Street Fighter seems to have the least amount that I know of…

We all now how it works…(and I am just poking fun at how everyone perceives everyone to be)

Smash community is younger, whiny brats that can’t play fighting games and pick their noses
Guilty Gear (and insert anime game here) is full of antisocial pedophiles
King of Fighters is full of FOB Asians and Mexicans
Marvel is full of angry hype people who want to kill you (at least MVC2)
Street Fighter is full of complainers
Tekken is full of snobs
Mortal Kombat is full of ignorant and arrogant people that complain and whine

I mean, this goes with anything, the “perception” but that’s just how it is, it’s all in good fun, but there is no defending Smash as a “true” fighting game, it is what it is, an accidental game that the community made into a fighting game with specific rules…

I think Smash is great, but I only play single player.

Yep the mileage on my truck definitely proved it (before it was smashed by the tree). Between cheerleading and tournaments I had probably put 75,000 miles on it in 4 yrs. The suburban is definitely not getting that many. We are going to SB though and it has 5,000 already in the 2 months since we bought it. Awww shit!! :confused:

Jason Wilson teaching at its finest right there! LOL!!! Seriously though he met Jason not to long after he started to play SF and he has gained a ton of experience from him. Going to so many tournaments and playing with so many different people definitely helps too.

Xion and the Reiji (crow dude) were probably the only good things about BR4. Aliens and demon-blade things was just the devs trying too hard. I hope to God that BR5 will have a chance to be somewhat competitive…

not this time… I lucked out and got a recall on my logic board so they replaced it with a busted one, and I had to get it repaired AGAIN… but the good news is that they’ve now replaced 2 other unrelated things that were kinda bad, so I almost have a brand new laptop for free.

Maybe you misunderstood what I was saying. All I’m saying is I haven’t seen Josh at the gatherings I’ve recently attended or the ones before I left for home. I didn’t realize there’s a tourney season and an off season. I’m not really into that aspect of the scene too much. I really just enjoy coming out when I can to support and see all of you. I could care less about who is beating who with what character and all the amazing things they can do. I care more about just playing with the people we have here, interacting with our community, and playing against our best players.

You’re reading too much into what I’m trying to say or something. I dunno lol

Sparks and I are planning on heading down to Nashville in a few, anybody heading to the arcade?

Josh just lives 3 hours away…he can’t get to Nashville gatherings very often…we haven’t seen spiralbottom in awhile either and wtf knows what you guys said to Linuka to make him quit, lol

SF only has the least amount of creepers by percentage. It has the most players of any other fg. Yadda yadda ratios and numerical shit, meaning that the representation is flawed. I can say honestly without a doubt, that in my experience (and I’ve been around scenes for all these games), the community with the most normality overall has been Tekken. Guys/girls just wanna play and go home, or play and kick it. The most off the wall shit you’d find is dudes getting mad emo, but that’s it. Ok, maybe there’s 2 dudes notorious for the B.O. but they smell shitty in their normal life. Still fully functional human beings. Basically you can go to a Tekken major and not be put off or start itching. Only thing it really had close to any exclusiveness or confinement without the other fg groups were the MLGs last year. And if you looked at that crowd, TOTALLY fucking average. I’m dead serious. The people who play only to customize characters, cosplay, or pedo mashers won’t travel or get on any brackets for it. So this effectively weeds out the loonies.

I got nothing against Smash. I had fun with all the games until you meet the guys who play “competively” and they try to shittalk, but it doesn’t come out right. And something about the way dudes be pounding the c-stick, I find it hilarious. But yea the scene, it’s pretty wild. People leaving the house in outrageous shit and wearing Toadstool hats and having girls with them that would probably be cute, but they’re in a fucking Goomba outfit too. I don’t know. It’s just hard to take that shit seriously since you WILL see it at any Smash tourney. Guaranteed.

You really don’t want BR MMs bro! BR2 or BR3 only. I’m not about to play PF so you can auto evade everything by mashing one button.

Pretty sure that me and the Boar Lady were responsible for any loose change you found in that cab.

I told myself I wouldn’t laugh at Richard’s posts anymore as he only grows stronger, but I seriously just spit up my sprite. Lmfao!

Because you lost your testicles.

Xion came in BR3, when the story first took off with the alien crap. If they take the base engine for BR3, then the game will have a bit of depth. Or they should just take the fundamentals from BR2, which was surprisingly good.

They should not take anything from any game and make it like KoF12

Shawn nailed it. Modern day dick shrinkin poison. But yeah that’s cool man, I’m sleepy and worked a full shift for some overtime today.

Jersey City son. Doc, Mef, whuddup?

Eddie/Lurker Dinkins - SWEET BEASTORIZERS!

Zeth/Sparkster (man I am biting eddie’s nicknames hard - but he comes up with the best ones. He and Mike need to have a Nickname MM) - hit me up when y’all get to town. I’ll play with y’all [pause] n shit. Was gonna take the day off from fighting games, get drunk, and start Gears 3/play Borderlands, but if y’all make that drive we’ll get a session in. Look forward to it actually.

Welp. There’s a Comcast service outage in my area for…ALL of their services. So I’m at the crib with no internet or tv till God knows when. Guess I’ll crack one of these porno tapes and vibe out. Then catch a nap.

Oh - Next thread title is “How Do You Eat a Fart?” ROFL


I can deal with this.

Old school PC games own. Click this to watch THE WAY OF THE EXPLODING FIST for Commodore 64. I wish I could figure out how to get this going for MM’s up here, shit is mad hype. PS turn your speakers down a little. Yes those are the original sounds.

I love games where they scream at the title screen.

Sounds like Bruce Lee is ass-raping a grandpa.

maybe he is. wataaahhhhhhhhhh

Same here. I have been to two gatherings in Nashville and K.i.T. For me the problem is distance and time. I have a child and a wife at home and i am also finishing my certification to teach. Time is very valuable to be going to Nashville every month. I honestly try come up when i have money and the time but without really knowing anyone up there i hate to be a burden and try to stay at your places. I also try to take Spiral with me anytime i come up or pay him to take me if he prefers driving but lately life has been busy for him. I really need to talk to Josh but lately he seems to tell me he is not practicing till UMvC3 comes out so i do not feel it necessary to burden him with training when he does not want it. Even going to see Josh or Spiral is a distance for me seeing as I live an hour away from them. I still try hard to practice and compete even if my character is lame. I kinda feel like an outsider though when i come out to play seeing as I am new and do not really know anyone when i make the lone journey. Crystal also can speak to this. Anytime there is a big tourney going on I try to find out if they are going up to go with them and help with their gas.

I don’t know if anybody here watched the interviews on the front page with the guys we played at SBO but they give a pretty good idea of the mindset of the players in Japan and what kind of mindset you should have when playing your character. I have to admit, it was pretty interesting (since SF has been the hot topic as of late). Just want to see how the SF player think of it.

Melee is a better fighting game than Mortal Kombat

So how did the Memphis gamescon go?

I think MK is real solid actually. I dunno, I’d play it if A) I thought I’d be any good at it and B) if it didn’t feel so damn awkward and clunky to me.

also Melty Blood stream, GG coming up next:

Finally having money has lit a fire in my pocket. NEC in December, Winter Brawl in February, and EVO in July.

Also, other than learning Astaroth for NEC, I’m playing gears… again. @______@;

On another note, to play fighters that aren’t SC, I’ll be needing this stick fixed up, apparently. Yaaaay monies.