New MvC2 versions tourney viable?

They still have NES consoles for sale on ebay. What makes you think you can’t find a dreamcast 5 years from now? Hell, they got brand new dreamcasts still with 3 month warrenties on them.

PS3 and 360 versions are pretty…crappy. I didnt’ know everything shoult did about the changes, but I did notice the frame dropping (saying I noticed is an understatement too, it was horrible). I mean frames are huge in marvel. You can’t just have 2 frames drop here, and 3 frames drop there. I mean wtf.!?.! What game does that? I am 100% positive that you will create psuedo unblockables (meaning that sometimes it wont be unblockable, but still hard as hell to block, and sometimes it will be unblockable if the frames drop at a specific time, assuming you know how to trigger the game to frame drop). And how come if I am doing a hard combo that requires strict timing, and some frames drop, which messes up the combo, and gets you out of whatever mixup/combo I was doing, is that worth playing and putting your money on?

I could go on and on for days about the reprecussions frame dropping would have for marvel in tournament level IF people took it serious…but why? People will never take a PS3 or 360 version of marvel serious. Because real players know that the only reasonable version to play marvel on is…dreamcast:lol: blue screens and all~

^-- Are you talking local PS3 play? X360 is the worst. PS3 local is a full grade better, in my book. =\

I’m gonna shit one someone damnit!! This is the best game ever in my book and I hated what they did with it.:sad:

to be fair, ps3 is pretty accurate. Much better than the x360 like zach said. There’s no lag in the beginning of the match or first SJ\assist call BS iirc. It also looks like the ps3 doesn’t drop frames like the x360 does. These in particular were a main concern of mine for tournament play. I don’t own a ps3 so I didn’t have much time to gather info or even if my info is 100% right.

By far, the ps3 is the most tourney viable @ this point. The only thing thats really changed in the ps3 version is that dwn+normals are kidna fucked up. It hurts magneto slightly, cyke tons, and chun a good bit. I can live with those changes.

pretty sure @ this point a future patch is out the question. iirc, magnetro told me that they couldn’t fix dwn+normals from being fucked up. They would have to fix the whole game and that simply was out of the question. So currently, the modern version of this game is all jacked up. What else could they fix? they can’t release a better weaked netcode from my understanding and there’s nothing else to fix in the game thats actually fixable.

What I hope for is that the mvc2 #'s outselling HDR is a pure indication that players want to see another mvc2 VS game. This hopefully is giving them incentive to release mvc3 or some other type of VS game that resembles marvels mechanics and speed. However with the way sf4 turned out, I really hope ono doesn’t touch a VS series thats supposed to replace marvel.

Nintendo knows how to make reaaaaal durable shit, though. I’ve heard stories of SNES’s dropping out of a second/third story window and still working despite having a huge hole in the side of the case. Let’s see one of the current-gen systems pull that off =P

My first Dreamcast died on me about 3-3.5 years after I got it. Just all of a sudden stopped reading disks and then when I managed to get it to read the power just stopped turning on at all. It was probably an easy fix for a knowledgeable person, but not for me, so I ended up tossing it. Right now I use my friend’s Dreamcast, and although he doesn’t play it nearly as often as I did mine back in the day, his still works just fine. Based on that, the typical Marvel addict’s console won’t last nearly half as long either XD

Very good post, completely agreed.

I really enjoyed this post as well, I’ve been trying to articulate the same type of thoughts for quite some time.

To shorten, I offer the following analogy, SAT style:

Marvel : games :: Earth : universe -in the case of both, it’s a fucking miraculous 1 in a million accident that both were able to sustain what they have.

what does this refer to?
I tried looking in the 360/ps3 bug database and other places and I couldn’t find anything on it.
I’m not very good at marvel, so I apologize if this is something extremely obvious

I see a lot of people say “this version’s fucked up” but they’re not really sure why, I want to know what’s wrong with it…
thanks in advance

reading comprehension?

MULTIPLE people posted up why the newer versions sucks. If you even glanced @ this thread, you’d realize that.

Don’t have a ps3, I was just going off what I had seen when it first launched (the only time I touched it or seen it played on ps3). I mean if it doesn’t drop frames then probably other issues could be worked around. But dropping frames = no good.

And to mogwaimon, i understand a dreamcast may not last as long as a NES. i never argued that, all i was saying is that if you ever wanted a perfect arcade port, dreamcasts will be available for a VERY long time. so the dreamcasts are going to run out soon comment just isn’t true.

Yea, I understand. I may have missed the point on that, but you’re right. Besides even if all the DCs mysteriously die off in 2015, chances are Naomi emulation will be near-perfect by then and maybe MvsC3 will be here, or even a perfect port of 2. Dreamcasts rock either way, though. Used to be the best system for fighters until the PS2 library got some major expansion, IMO.

I can’t speak for the 360 version but d+normals are the only thing I find consistently odd on ps3… and you can’t notice it on most normals. It makes mag’s rom harder to execute which is fine by me… if anyone in the game needed any kind of nerf… it was he…

cyke’s inf is a fun little loss… but not something that willl greatly affect tourney play… some loss of instant overhead quality does hurt a few low tiers tho… just gotta retrain yourself in initiate the move a few frames sooner…

fixed: ;]

woah, woah, I did. I see that it’s not DC-perfect or arcade-perfect (the DC version as I understand had some minor differences from arcade as well). I know that the 360 version is completely fucked up as far as loading super jump textures and whatnot. I read the posts about how marvel is a complete miracle that with all the fucked upness it’s still playable, and how slightly changing that might destroy everything. I already knew that it’s a completely a miracle that we have as many playable top tier teams as we do.

The only CONCRETE issues I’ve seen mentioned are issues relating to Hulk doing less damage, who is such a low tier character that I’ve never seen anyone at any tournament use him ever… so in a way it’s not as relevant as an issue with the top tiers would be.
The other one is the d+normal thing that I do not know what it refers to.
eczangief says “cyke infinite is gone. If its still there its totally different. Magneto has to cancel his rom very early now because of recovery time”. I believe him. I do not understand why this is though? (this might explain why my friend who learned the rom on the dreamcast version keeps fucking up when we play on ps3)
This d+normal issue sounds like it completely cripples this version of the game, but I don’t even understand what it is and I can’t find an explanation for it.

I just wanted to know what the d+normal bug is, no need to rage at me.

360 drops frames like mad… not much you can do…

dc drops like 1 in 6 frames or something… but its at least at a consistent rate…

ps3 drops like frame liks dc… but can also drop a couple extra when certain moves start up… learn which moves and yer rdy for it…

I’ve never heard anything about dc marvel dropping frames…not saying it isn’t true, its just the first time i’ve EVER heard such a thing.


It most definitely does, and so does the arcade version. Every 5th frame of animation/hitbox information is skipped on the Turbo setting. And the stages on DC Marvel also vary in their effect on particular combos and general randomness, but this effect is really subdued and will go unnoticed unless you spend a LOT of time with the game.

Anyway, Madtitan’s view isn’t flawed or anything-- its pretty righteous to support the version as it is now in the hope that it is patched further. But as it stands, there’s NO WAY that even the PS3 version is tournament ready.

When I tested all the frame skipping issues on the PS3 and 360, I found that both drop equally when they’re in higher than native resolutions.

But when you play in 480p, it’s the same as the DC. We did 100% technique calibrations on the PS3 and 360. EX: Magneto the infinite of [HP29/LK]

So in the case of dropping inputs, it might have to do with lag or extra slowdown that occurs on the newgen consoles.

thnx for the info… I’d be interested to have a ps3 owner play a low stress stage, on 480p, w/classic spites, min input lag, and wired instead of wireless… local game as well… align all these stars for comparison… and try mags rom…

I would but I no longer own a dc for comparison… i bet with all these factors… there is little if any noticeable diff…

Well, that’s basically what I tested the most over there. There weren’t any problems except that they couldn’t fix Magneto’s air 2LK and air MP. Other than that, I could program and get things to work right.

It’s just that it doesn’t run as the DC version does in respect to slowdown. There are situations in the DC where the slowdown is guaranteed to occur (almost anything involving icebeam or captain sword), and on the PS3 version, it wouldn’t happen. However, the PS3 would have different moments of slowdown. So this is something people are going to have to get used to. It’s just a matter of hardware architecture, there isn’t anything else that can be done.

I can ROM in training pretty easy from what I just tested. A bit tighter… but I’m not that great at it anyways… i don’t play magnus anymore. Got like 24 hits on my second attempt tho. I’m sure there are other factors tho… like the stage or what other moves might be going on.

this is ps3 btw