New Mvc2 player in need of help

Hi, I’m a Sf2 player that wants to learn Mvc2. Iv’e watched matches, combo videos, and tuturial videos so I could learn more about Mvc2 but I still find it hard and I don’t really understand the game. While I was watching matches of top Mvc2 players the team that I was interested in learning was the Msp team Magneto, Storm, and Psylocke. What Is the main strategy of the Msp team? and also how are Magneto&Storm supposed to be played? Ive looked on game faqs to see some combos for these characters and I practiced them for a bit but when I’m in a match I don’t know what to do with Storm and Magneto and that causes me to lose quickly. Also what is psylockes role in this team? do I need to learn all about this character or just the basics because I’m finding it hard to learn 3 characters. Also Is playing Mvc2 more comfortable on an american stick or a Japanese stick? because I’ve got a Japanese stick and people say playing marvel is hard on those types of sticks.

no one plays Mvc2 anymore?

OK, MSP is a decent team for you to start out with, but be warned… MAGNUS IS FUCKING HARD TO USE, but learning him WILL teach you the fundamentals of the game.

MSP is a purely rushdown team. Probably the scariest to fight in the game. It’s more comfortable playing on an American stick because of one thing - slide method.

As for your specific questions:
Mag and Storm are your rushdown.

Reasons Storm is second: DHC into hailstorm and she has a LOT of options in case Mag dies.

Psylocke’s role is both defensive and offensive. She can easily get opponents off of you, and she makes for tricky resets.

Do you have PSN? We can play. I’m m1x4h - I main MSP.

Thanks for answering my questions ill add you on the psn when I get the chance. Barely anyone plays this game anymore. As for the psn its the same as my username

A lot of people still play this game.
I can introduce you to the basics and intermediate stuff with the team. I’m no pro, but I know my stuff.

Basically, things you need for a successful MSP -

RESETS!, Rom infinite, using psylocke to get you out of hairy situations while keeping her safe, not getting double snapped, and unmashable tempests.
Also, bonus knowledge is knowing when to DHC into Storm and learning how to use Storm with Magnus assist for resets as well as psylocke.

I sent the invite

Alright. I’ll get to you this week perhaps.

I don’t know that I would start with msp largely b/c to make them effective you need to be able to do magneto’s combos… particularly the ROM and the 5 fierce. The latter is pretty easy but the ROM takes practice to learn even if you know the game well. The team is also fragile in terms of health totals and their tendency to rush doesn’t leave you a lot of room for errors.

To really learn this game there are things that apply for any team… and that’s what I’d start with… you can find the help for new players thread in general discussion.

Focus on some of this stuff:
-tech rolling - it’s easy once you get it… but if your not rolling even the lowest tier characters can do 80 to 100% on you… as well as employ some misc strats.
-tech throw - harder but still not to bad… you need to do this for basically the same reasons as tech rolling… nuff said
-wave dashing - if you can do this well you can move pretty quick with near anyone and bypass a lot of spacing issues. if you can’t do this air runaway is gonna be an issue
-game states - you HAVE to know these. what is the difference in normal jumping vs super jumping? blocking vs not blocking? it’s important. example: in normal jump state you get ONE action. if you jump and kick… you can’t block til you land again. scary eh?
-push blocking - trapping teams will own you free if you can’t pushblock with decent timing. they’ll just put you in block stun and you’ll stay that way getting chipped forever
-magic series - this is the games basic autopilot combo mechanism. even for characters like magnus who don’t normally do full magic series to you (roming or 5 fiercing instead for example) it’s still important to know. if you do hit a,b,c with magnus… what else can you follow up with? you need to know if you are to understand his setups.

  • other stuff (not explaining just mentioning the terms so you can google) - DHC, fly screen, guard breaks, unfly, y-boost, frame kill, fast fly, OTG, tri-jump, box jump, guard cancel

You asked what msp is supposed to “do”? Well… Dash in or trijump in or box jump in (do any of these safely… or find a way around what’s making them not safe)… start a combo… use psyloche anti air assist to net free combos when they try to attack you… if magnus is failing… find a chance to DHC into hail storm and nail assists… either run away or rush in with storm… depending on the matchup…) protect psyloche assist whenever you can b/c she is your lifeline… annnnd thats it… in a nutshell. The rest is learning combos.

Last thing I’ll personally explain atm… to start matches… (assuming the other player pushes right up against you… which most experienced players do) just hold strait up… and the second your character leaves the ground start blocking. Even if someone tries to hit you with a 1 frame or something you’ll escape. This can be countered by your opp starting with a standing attack but you’ll either be able to block or counter with an assist and be safe.

Some vids to help get you started:
-Magneto tutorial ->
-yBoost ->
-flyscreen ->
-unfly ->
-OTG ->

Thanks this information was very helpful. From now on I will post in the help for new players thread anytime I have a question.

OK, few things about games last night:

I hate typing on PSN, so that’s why I wasn’t too in-depth about things.

  1. Get used to zoning with Magnus. You need to control your space.
    ** Dash up s.lp is good for a few things. Since it whiffs so quickly and has energy extension, it’s a great poke to keep an opponent grounded. If you know your opponent is likely to jump in the beginning of a match, do it to keep them back down and their assist if called, will just come in, taunt, and go away. Also, dashing in and s.lp will keep an opponent from jumping away from your wave dashing.
    ** Random ROM infinite… yes, sounds strange? when your opponent is in range could result in you getting the ROM for free without a setup. Thumbs up.
    ** When Sentinel flies, HG him if you’re far. Otherwise, stay on his ass. If he DOESN’T have unfly mode, HGxxTEMPEST if he flies and is far away. You’ll snag him into a tempest real quick.

  2. 5-Fierce are amazing damage… do them more. Don’t ROM for several reps to do damage, unless it will kill. Too much room for error. 5-Fierce are just awesome.

  3. Don’t always call Psy when you start the match. Change it up.

  4. Learn some resets… Few that I’ll mention to start out with, then it’s up to you to be more creative…

  5. Don’t DHC into Psylocke’s Maelstorm. Doesn’t do any damage. If you DHC into Kiko Gakure, you’ll do more damage, and if they don’t roll, you can, c.hp into an air combo.

  6. When Psylocke hits, don’t always go for the to OTG them. Psy hits, and just go under and launch them. Don’t risk the roll if you’re going to just do an air combo.

  7. Learn to block high… You almost always block low. Blocking high is defense against Tri Jumps. Takes practice, but you have to do 2 things to know about blocking tri jumps. 1. Learn to predict it (difficult) and 2. If they don’t do tri jumps correctly, meaning they super jump before the air dash, learn to react by seeing the splash that the super jump creates.


  • ROM, dash under ®, xx sj, (OTG),, ROM
  • ROM, dash under ®, c.hp, 5-fierce.
  • ROM, and then IMMEDIATELY air dash down/forward, hover for a moment and lk,lk ®. Then you can start the ROM again from the other side.
  • ROM, dash under ®, sj, airdash downback, hk (Called circle reset), then air combo or ROM or whatever.
    ** ROM, dash under ®,,, psylocke, back into ROM.
    ** ROM, land, normal jump ®, air dash down, lk, lk, land,,, psylocke, back into ROM.
    ** ROM, land, normal jump ®, call psylocke, air dash forward, dash back,,, ROM.
    ** 5-Fierce, land ®, s.lp whiff, normal jump, call psylocke, air dash forward, dash back, etc…
    – The whiff s.lp confuses people in this case… or at least, I get hella fucking confused when I see that. Throws me off decently enough.

Learn to Dash up throw. It’s dash forward, then do a hadoken with HK. You’ll dash up, cancel the dash with the crouch, and do F+HK to throw immediately.

**=with Psylocke

Also, go into training and put the dummy on auto rolling… Practice getting the as a juggle and not an OTG. A juggle cannot be rolled out of. Timing’s a bit strict, but it will guarantee your combo.

With her air combos, try to just stick to lk, lk, LA, LAxxLS. No need for the air dash and extended combo. You’ll do more damage without it. Buffering kills it.


  • hk,, air dash down forward ®, lk, LA, LAxxLS
  • (Corner) - hk, sj, hk, air dash down forward, hk,, s.lp ®, call psylocke, walk forward and HK throw. Tricky, but she should throw them into Psylocke, and you get an OTG.
    ** hk, call Magnus, SJ, air dash down forward ® - Magnus hits, air combo.
  • hk, sj, lk, lk, LA down/forward, paus, LA up ® xx LS. The LA up will hit on the other side.
  • hk, sj air dash forward ®, LA up/back, xx LS.

Next time we play, I’ll show you some resets and you can try them.