New Indie game! Immortal Fray: A fairy tale fighting game with characters we grew up with!

This is true and there is also a graphic novel about little red as a demon huntress as well as a video game. I decided to keep this identity alive so I made my version a demon huntress as well. Im not against changing things around before the prototype is released again :). I care deeply about public opinion.

As far as release goes, I see myself working on this game for a good year before any kind of release. Thats if I can secure funding. If I cant, then it could take significantly longer. I have to start my hospital rounds in January for nursing school and the only way I can continue to work on this game at that point is if I have the financial backing to pay team members and justify spending my off time on development. Hope that answers the question and doesn’t sound depressing -_-

I was just joking about how BB Hood from Darkstalkers ( As you can tell by my avatar and name I’m a fan boy for her ) and your character are very similar. Also life happens man, it’s all good. Hopefully you can put some money away and put that towards funding your game. Once you have something like a beta or what not to present then I’m sure you can get some help through kickstarter.

Thanks, I have a good attitude about it. Im not one to give up. Also, Ive had success with Kickstarter before when trying to get a game out there. I used kickstarter to make this game Its not nearly the scale of a fighting game, but it was enough to convince me that anything is possible if you have enough determination and fortitude.

Ill be live streaming on twitch today from 3:30-5:30pm so check out the channel and subscribe! My goal is to get pan up in running in unity with some animations! Also stay tuned for footage from a live show case of Immortal Fray at the legend of GAAM show in Jacksonville Florida! Also, Im single now so I might even throw in a tutorial on how to pick up cute chicks at events like GAAM

You can catch me on twitch tonight!

Catch me on twitch tonight from 8pm EST - whenever my body fails on me lol

Stay tuned from the Legend of GAAM showcase of Immortal Fray. Im having players compete in a small tourney to win on of these two original prints from our concept artist

So im shooting to have the next version of Immortal Fray ready for the public by the middle of next month :slight_smile:
Immortal Fray will be featured at the next Indienomicon! Stay tuned for footage and a trailer of the progress so far!

Check out these photos from the GAAM show in Jacksonville, Fl!

Ok so Im nearly done with development on version 2.0 of the Immortal Fray Prototype :). Ill have it available for download on 08/10/2015 but you have to join the mailing list to receive the download link. Stay tuned for an updated trailer and footage from the indienomicon showcase in Orlando, Fl!

In my darkest hour I landed a position as a full time 3D artist at a big simulation company in Orlando :). This is what I was meant to do

Trying it out now.

Thanks! Right now only version 1.0 of the demo is available for download. I plan to release 2.0 on 08/10/2015

So Ill be showcasing the current build of Immortal Fray at the Indienomicon show in Orlando, Fl. Stay tuned for footage from both GAAM and Indienomicon, then a trailer of the game!

yay IGM wrote an article on Immrotal Fray!

Oh i thought you said IGN.