The problem is making sure phoenix is being forced to block after a certain amount of frames. Otherwise if she had free time she could just teleport and pew pew light attack till you are dead. Which this setup seems to work.
I think the whole tagging in phoenix before 5 meters strategy is more efficient than maybe wasting 2-3 meters.
Pretty much this. And I feel at least me being a somewhat competent MvC3 player and against other smart players I think that soley hoping for one thing to work in a game like marvel is really difficult due to how random and all the variables that could happen such as getting caught in a happy birthday or you loosing a character etc…
Also I do feel like snapping in is the more safe strategy of killing her.
Also I think that I have found a way for my team to kill phoenix by snap in but it is also kind of situational as well and it requires my zero to have 2-3 bars of meter and still be alive lol.
the problem with this is the huge gap from dark pheonix activating and gettin the air throw.the reason why alot of the auto kill set ups use super is to avoid the burst.
While it does seem that killing Phoenix with three plus bars is really inefficient, look at what the opposing player is losing. He loses the core part of his team, no Phoenix team has her as an assist or sub-strategy because of the playstyle you have to utilize playing her, it’s either Dark Phoenix or bust. Secondly, he loses five bars cause once Dark Phoenix comes out, his bar empties and the only bar he’ll receive for losing Phoenix is minimal at best, plus you get mix up on the incoming character. Thirdly (and probably most importantly) 75% time once you kill Phoenix, a giant K.O. sign appears anyway so all the possible negatives you could suffer no longer matters cause the match has ended.
In any case any Phoenix strategy that can successfully kill her without her porting or touching the ground to X-factor and what not is good no matter how much bar it utilizes and the only limitation to them is whether or not they’re viable during the specific fight you want to use it in. I’d condone the use of 8 bars if it were at all possible to kill Phoenix simply because at the end of the day, you’ve just killed Phoenix.
Yeah, I understand the way Spidey/She-Hulk set-ups work. Just trying to find a way for more characters to deal with it. The best I’ve come up with is forcing the transformation in the corner and then blocking/x-factoring, but that’s training mode/theory.
O nice so quick question. Casuals will start on friday right? What time will they end on friday. And the tournament will start at 11am on saturday and end by 11pm right? And sundays are casuals too right?